25. smudged mascara and threats

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This chapter is dedicated to @wiserambles for the brilliant covers she made above. Thank you!

Oh, Monica.

You'll just have to trust me on this one.

What's wrong with Jack? You simply adored him back when you were here. And are you sure things are okay? You can be more descriptive you know, 'great' isn't much to go by. Is there anything wrong? You can talk to me.

Love, Chloe

As soon as I found a bathroom, I leant over the toilet bowl and threw up the contents of my stomach

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As soon as I found a bathroom, I leant over the toilet bowl and threw up the contents of my stomach. My drunken stumbling through the house trying to find one had disturbed my insides, and my hands wouldn't stop shaking uncontrollably.

I hadn't eaten much before the game, and so it didn't take long for the heaving to turn into a painful ripping of the lining in my stomach. It was absolutely terrible.

When the worst of it had passed, I feebly stood to my feet, my knees banging together as they shook. I reached out to support myself on the counter and turned the tap on at the sink. Catching my reflection in the mirror almost made me throw up again, there was a trail of black mascara seeping down each cheek from the tears induced from vomiting, and I was a ghostly pale.

I cupped water in my hands and scrubbed at my cheeks and mouth, trying to rid myself of the horrible, dirty feeling that had crept over me. The ends of my hair felt gross too, so I ran them under water. I searched through the drawer below the basin and found a tube of toothpaste, which I put onto my finger and used to wash my teeth.

My face still looked horrible, and with my damp hair and white trembling limbs I almost looked like something out of a horror film. I couldn't stay at the party looking like a wreck, not around level one. Also, I had no idea where my purse had gone.

I was trying to control the uneven intake of my breath when the door flung open. I hadn't even thought to lock it in my haste to get to the toilet.

Platinum blond hair and ruby red lips told me it was Sophie before her hair fell out of the way to reveal the exuberant expression on her face.

"Oh, sweetie, I knew you had issues, but bulimia?" she asked, closing and locking the door behind us before plonking her purse onto the counter.

I couldn't even find the will power to tell her off. She knew it wasn't an eating disorder, it was the fact that she and her evil friends had coaxed me into drugs.

"Aw," she cooed, cupping my cheek in her hand. "I've got some makeup in my bag, we can touch this up."

I gulped, my focus now kept on containing my stomach to stop it from projecting vomit down the front of Sophie's cleavage.

"You know," she said as she gently pushed me back to sit on the lid of the toilet. "This wasn't exactly a party you could invite your own friends to."

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