Jus' Bleeb In Myself

50 9 11

That's literally what the opening sounds like it's saying XD

But anyways, I wanted to ask you guys something... if there are any anime openings you would possibly want to see animated with me and your characters just request one this line what anime it is, the opening number, and what characters you'd possibly want in this process of animation which should only take one week to work on three at a time.

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This Is My New Crib! Btw, just incase when I get WiFi back on again, so you guys who would like to play will know what to expect XD

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

This Is My New Crib! Btw, just incase when I get WiFi back on again, so you guys who would like to play will know what to expect XD. But I'm also working on the contest prizes as well so don't fret my winners! :DDDDDDDD But yeah that's the rundown on what is finna go down XD

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