- Purple Snow -

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- Purple Snow -

~ Sally's POV ~

The Over Realm sunsets are my favorite thing about this place. They remind me of when I was a child, practically being raised by these fellow killers who I now call family. It's hard to believe it had been ten years.

I had been only six years old on that fateful Christmas when I had snapped. After my family was disposed of, I had wondered into the woods where Slendy had found me. I shook with fear, I remember, thinking he was going to kill me or eat me or something. Instead, he took me to a new home, saying I would 'fit in well'.

When Cyan came, I'm not going to lie, I was a bit jealous. Ten years ago, as an eight year old child, I enjoyed being the newest 'recruit' to our team- or family, depending on how you look at it. I enjoyed the attention.

A purple glistening spec drifts across my vision, jarring me out of my thoughts. I look over and see that Enderman has teleported and is walking next to me.

We walk along the train tracks that lie just beyond the woods of our Over Realm house. The tracks are shiny and silver, and, judging by the train horns that I always hear, are still in use.

"Hey." I say.

"I still don't surprise you?" He asks in his strange techno voice.

"Never." I chuckle. I feel myself tipping as I continue to balance, and catch myself.

"Maybe I should try harder." He says with a chuckle.

"Maybe you should."

"Okay, I will." This is how our conversations usually go. We pick on each other, challenge each other, laugh with each other.

The train tracks seemed to stretch on for eternity, and got thinner and thinner the farther along they go. I often imagined following these tracks just to see where they go.

"Where do you think these tracks go?" I asked aloud.

"Wonderland, Oz, Narnia... There's no way to tell." He said.

"Remember when we would play on them when I was a child?" I ask.

"You still are a child." Ender laughs.

I elbow his block shaped arm and smile, "I'm eighteen years old! That's legally an adult."

"By human standards." He retorts.

"I am a human!"

"Yes, yes, but not a normal human."

We continue to walk along in silence for a while, but not an awkward silence. Slendy says you can enjoy someone's company without speaking to each other. Ender teleports away suddenly, his purple specs slowly disappearing, and he appears again ten feet ahead of me. Again he teleports, and is just beyond the trees to my left.

He teleports back to my side, and I laugh, "Stop that! You're giving me a headache."

"Headaches... I'm happy I don't get those." Ender says more to himself than to me, "Where I come from, people like me only come out at night." 

I remember when I was a child, and Ender would help me go back to sleep after a nightmare by telling me stories about his home. A world made entirely of blocks, a world easily imaginable with an eight-year old's mind.

"Well, it's a good thing it's sunset, then." I reply, continuing to balance on the metal tracks.

"And a beautiful one at that." He adds.

Just then, the wail of a train horn bellows from a distance, and the golden light of the engine appears from around the corner. The trees to the side of the tracks are painted orange and gold by it's glow.

I begin to get off the tracks, but Ender moves his block arm in front of me, "Wait."

I wait for a few seconds, the train engine appearing from around the corner, and I try to move again. Again, Ender says, "Wait."

"Ender, I'm going to get hit!" I shout over the roar of the horn that roars again.

"Waaaaait." He says, dragging the word out this time.

My heart begins to thud faster and faster as the train engine barrels down upon us.
"Jesus, Ender! Do you want me to die?!" I yell. My heart slams against my chest, and I think it might brake free. I can feel the wind from the train engine now.

"ENDERMAN!" I shout again. Still his arm doesn't budge, no matter how much I try to shove, "Move!"
I looked up to see the glowing light directly in my face, and I squeeze my eyes shut, preparing for the blow.

I hear a swoop sound, and I open my eyes slowly. A strong gale of wind is swishing my hair all around my face, and making the skirt of my pink dress fly up into the air. I brush it down and yell, "Are you insane?!"

"Probably." He replies. Ender begins to laugh, and I can't help but join in. Soon enough we're both laughing and the train horn blows again, but this time the noise comes from under us.

I walk slowly to the side of the train engine's roof, holding Ender's arm for support, and pear over the edge.

We run by the trees in a blur, a mixture of greens, yellows and golds, with pinks and oranges reflecting off of the bark from the sunset.

Ender leads me to the front of the train engine and sits down, his dark block legs dangling over the edge. The purple, glistening specs, which were blowing around like snow, surrounded us as we sat together.

"Did I surprise you that time?" He asks.

"Not even close." I lie, leaning my head against his shoulder.

He shifts positions and I look at his purple rectangle eyes. He leans in and before I knew what was happening I was barely brushing my lips against his invisible ones. Thunder cracked in my head, and electricity surged through my body. It hit my toes and then ran back up again, all of it spawning from where my lips connected with his.

"How about now?" He asks after braking away.

"Absolutely." I smile, looking ahead to the sun that had just disappeared under the horizon.


I ship it, guys... I totally ship it.
Enderman is one of my favorites :D

Anyway I hope you're enjoying the shorts, and if you have any ideas for a short story about the pastas you can enter comment it below or private message me and if I like the idea too then I'll write it and dedicate it to you.
Read on!

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