- Give Me Something Good to Eat -

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- Give Me Something Good to Eat -

~ Cyan's POV ~

Jeff and the others were in fits and giggles because tonight is their favorite night of the year. The one night where we all can walk the streets without people running in fear. Halloween.

We walk through the streets of a nearby, rather high class neighborhood, and I study the children and teens around me. One child is dressed like a chicken, and another with him is an egg.

Jeff, Ben, Nina (who had to sneak out of the Under Realm to be here), Eyeless Jack and Splendorman are with us. We all carry pillow cases, two if which Jeff already carries on his back, full to the brim of candy. We have been out for almost three hours.

"That house next." Jeff said, pointing to a well decorated house at the end of the street. It had purple strips of lights going across the front lawn, parallel to one another, and the front porch had a projection of ghosts.

"Such stereotypical ghosts." Ben said with a rye smile. He too is a ghost, but preferred staying in a physical form.

"I don't care what their ghosts look like, as long as they give me my Reese's." I had learned in the past couple of hours that Jeff's favorite candy is Reese's Peanut butter Cups, and he had traded me all of mine for all of his Snickers.

Jeff shuffles his loud to hold my hand, and I swing our arms while we walk. "When I was a kid," he said, "my brother and I would say 'Trick or treat, trick or treat. Give us something good to eat. If you don't, I don't care, I'll pull down your underwear'."

"How mature of you." Nina said from my other side. She too had already collected numerous sacks of candy.

"We were seven. Immaturity was all the rage back then." Jeff chuckled, and Nina hit him on the head playfully.

We climb the mountain of stairs leading to the large house's front door, and Ben rings the doorbell.

"TRICK OR TREAT!" We yell when a middle aged man opens the door.

"Wow, you kids went all out, didn't you? If I didn't know any better I would say you're all murderers." The man laughed, holding out a bowl of candy.

Jeff and Ben exchanged glances, and Jeff looked at the bowl, yelling, "YES. Finally!" He grabbed four Reese's.

"Jeff, gluttony is a wicked sin." Jack said from the back of the group. He hadn't collected one piece of candy all night. I offered to split mine, but he refused.

"So is cannibalism." Jeff retorted, grabbing hold of my hand again when we reached the bottom of the stairs.

We trick or treated at a few more houses, and in the corner of my eye I caught sight of Slenderman watching us from the edge of the woods.

"Look." I say, taking my hand from Jeff's and pointing. Jeff walks towards Slendy and gestures for us to follow.

"What is it?" Jeff asks once we reach Slendy.

"I am simply checking in." He replies.

"We're fine, but since you're here..." Jeff said, his cut smile widening just a bit as he hands Slendy his sacks of candy. If Slendy had eyes I'm sure he would have rolled them.

"Awe, come on! Please? They're heavy." Jeff complains like a three-year-old. I can't help but giggle. 

"You are all going to be on such a sugar rush for the next year." Slendy says with a sigh.

"And then we'll get more next year and it'll be a never ending sugar rush!" Ben laughed. 

Slendy finally gave in and my friends gave them their loads. If it weren't for his tentacles, I doubt Slendy could have hauled them all.

Jeff and the others turned and began walking away, but I stayed behind and said, "I think it makes him feel normal again."

"Yes, that is probably so. It also most likely makes him feel like he looks normal because everyone dresses up." Slendy replies. Neither one of us looks at the other, but we both watch Jeff laughing and walking with the others without a care in the world.

"Well at least he knows he's not the only one." I said, gesturing to my own carved in smile, "Don't eat too much candy." I said and began jogging to catch up with the group.

"Hey, let's go to that house next." I said and pointed to a house with a party being thrown in it. The front lawn had tons of people in it and cars were parked everywhere.

"Badass party crasher, Pepper?" Be asked from behind me as I lead the way to the house.

"Yes, sir!" I said and marched on.

We reached the front door and I knocked, and finally a girl who couldn't have been older than twenty answered. She was wearing a skimpy bumble bee costume.

We yelled trick or treat and raised out pillow cases expectantly, and the bumble bee girl just stood there, "Yes?"

"It's Halloween..?" Ben said with a smirk.

"You kids are too young to be at this party. How old are you, shorty, ten?" She asked. I noticed that she had a beer can in her hand. She was drunk.

"Do not call me short." Ben warned, his face becoming red with embarrassment and anger.

"Whatever." She said and shut the door.

"Fuck that. Any ideas?" Jeff asked. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"I say we go in through the lower level back door and have someone guarding each exit." Nina suggested.

"Mhm... Not bad. Anything else?" Jeff asks.

"Jeff, is this really necessary?" I asked.

"You've been here for almost a year. You should know the protocol by now, Cyan. No one crosses our paths." Jeff growled. This is not the Jeff that I love. This is the Jeff that kills senselessly. Sadly those two Jeffs aren't too far apart.

I stayed quiet as Jeff and the others came up with a tactic. After a few minutes we moved around, each of us in a different direction. I was instructed to guard the back porch door, where some of the others will enter the house.

"We'll go home after this." Jeff said. He kissed me on the cheek, right on top of my cut smile, and entered the house with Ben and Jack. Splendor waited by my door with me.

"I don't know how you manage to keep a straight face." I said to him after everyone was inside. Any second now the screams would begin.

"You get used to it after hundreds of years." He said. I looked up at him to see a few tears running from his beady black eyes.

"Hey, now. No crying." I said, using my sweater sleeve to wipe his face. He smiled gratefully but didn't reply.

A few minutes passed, and I was beginning to wonder if something had gone wrong when a terrifying scream broke through the night. More followed, and eventually the nighttime was filled with a chorus of agony.

The bumble bee girl staggered into the kitchen, and took sight of my waiting by the glass door. Her eyes widened in relief, but it was short lived as I saw Jeff appear behind her and drag her by her hair back into whatever lies beyond the kitchen.

Minutes passed, and eventually everything fell to silence. A boy ran to the back door and banged the glass, looking at me with pleading eyes. I looked away as I locked the door. I turned to see Jeff and the others coming, everyone drenched in blood. Jeff carried a bag full of candy.

"Trick or treat, trick or treat. Give me something good to eat." He said with a dark laugh, and I couldn't help but chuckle.


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first story and that you'll all enjoy this story too! Also...


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