Chapter Two: You're a Hunter?

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Dean's POV

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!", sam shouted as he was pinning down the now dead werewolf, pierced with what seemed to be two silver bullets on its head.

"Well, somebody's busy!", from the angle of the bullets, i quickly pointed my gun on the rooftop and fired. And i was right there was a person above. "Quick sam! I probably shot mr. Marksman!"

"Go now, dean! Ill get rid of the body!", sam commanded, carrying the corpse on his shoulder.

I quickly ran towards the apartment and boosted my way up the stairs towards the rooftop, gun on hand. When i reached the top, i kicked open the door and quickly searched the whole area. It was empty. Well except for the trail of blood leading downstairs.

"Well mr. Marksman is dumb after all." I chuckled following the trail.

The trail lead to the floor we were at, hours ago. It ends in front of a really familiar door. I mentally slapped my face for being dumb the whole time. Agent winchester. I still cant get over the fact that she used that name though. Damn, that chick may be hot but really? Us as bait? Smooth move hot stuff. But if shes a hunter, how come we dont know her? Probably a newbie but damn, shes too good for a newbie. AWOL i guess. I finally reached the door and put my gun inside my coat, pulling out my lock pick kit in the process. After a few tries, the door opened and i slowly got inside carefully not making a noise. I silently checked corner to corner, gun on hand and decided to go look at the kitchen when i heard a noise behind me. When i turned around, the figure quickly shot me on my right shoulder.

"OWWW!! YOU SON OF A BITCH!", i screamed, applying pressure on my flesh wound while targeting my gun at her.

"THAT'S FOR A WHILE AGO! Dont move or the next bullet goes right into your head, hot shot. I know, you know, how i am with guns, right?", winchester remarked, gun with a silencer at hand.

I finally got a good look of her. Well because last time Sammy kept nudging me whenever i set my eyes on the beautiful lady. She has long black gorgeous hair, pretty brown eyes, and damn, she is so hot. I also noticed that shes wearing the same white top except that she has no overshirt on and has a bandage wrapped around her right shoulder. Whoa, ok, we have the same wound now, really nice move agent hotness. I decided to just surrender and slowly, put my gun inside my coat when i heard a growl behind me.

"Be careful with your moves there stark or lieutenant over there will munch your ass", agent hotness chuckled.

I carefully looked behind and saw a huge black doberman ready to attack. Damn, im sweating like a son of a bitch.

"Ok ok ok, please i know youre a hunter alright?", i finally said. "Can you please lower your gun and tell Lieutenant to stand down? Hunter here too."

When i said that, agent hotness finally loosen her stance, standing up straight, and put her gun in her holster.

"Hmmm hunter huh? For a second there, i really thought you were feds. You guys were too good to be feds." She chuckled, thats hot. I was about to stand up straight as well when i heard the same growl behind me causing me to raise both of my hands like a ball-less princess.

"Ummmm you forgettin something sweetheart?" I nervously asked.

"Oh huh? You afraid of lieu? Hes a cuddle puff. Carry on now, Lieu" she smiled, speaking the last sentence in a british accent. "Lieu's british ya know?"

The dog finally stood down and sat with a smile on his face. Damn, this dog is a good actor. I carefully pet his head, earning a satisfied whimper from lieu. He also got this weird eyes which i find really cool for a dog.

"I'm Amara by the way Amara MacLeod" she introduced, extending her right arm. Formal much? Hmmm MacLeod? That last names really familiar but anyways, it suits her perfectly.

"Dean, Dean Winchester" i replied, winking and shaking her hand. "Explain to me why you used that alias?"

"Oh so thats why you guys flinched haha" she chuckled, oh so beautifully. "Its one of my favorite guns"

As soon as she said that, the door suddenly burst open revealing my awesome baby bro holding a sawed off shotgun directly pointed at ms. Beautiful.

"And thats my brother, Sam. Sam, this is Amara, fellow hunter." I said gently lowering Sammy's gun.

"No Dean! Did you forget that she used us as bait?", sam yelled still pointing the gun at her. "Are you out of your mind? She might have a different intention for that!"

"Yeah I know that sammy! But the werewolf is dead and were alive! Cant you see that?" I replied, staring at Lieu. Sammy totally forgot that she has a dog right behind him, snarling like crazy and looking at sam like hes his next meal.

"Ya know, sam. If i have a totally different intention, you two should be dead an hour ago." She simply said, pouring herself some scotch. "Y'all want some?" She added, earning a no from sam. She just shrugged and handed me the glass which i gladly received.

"She's got a point, you know Sam", i agreed, taking a sip. Damn, this scotch is awesome. She has great taste of her alcohols.

Thankfully sam finally gave up and lowered his gun. He also seemed startled when amara beckoned lieu over to her.

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