"Name?" tanya Emily walaupun matanya masih fokus pada kertas.
"Hayes Grier. 16 years old. Auditioning for Alex." Emily langsung mengangkat kepalanya ketika mendengar nama tersebut.
"Emily?" ucap Hayes kaget ketika melihat orang dihadapannya itu.
Emily's POV
"I'm like your biggest fan!" lanjut Hayes. Berjalan maju memelukku. Aku memeluknya kembali. "Awe thank you," ucapku tersenyum.
You forget me, huh?
I can't believe it though.
If he realized, he would be crazy.
"Okay, Hayes. I'm trying to do my job here. So, we can take a picture later. Please act scene 23. The first line belongs to Skylar Hancher and I'll be Skylar Hancher for this audition," ucapku sambil membuka scriptnya.
Aku berdeham lalu mulai. "Alex. Please tell me you're joking! Please tell me you still remember me. I'm Skylar. We used to be something. We used to chat all night. Laugh about silly things."
Kini giliran Hayes, "No, Skylar. I don't remember you at all." Hayes memasang muka aku-tidak-mau-menyakitimu-tetapi-itulah-kenyataannya.
"We don't have a history together. Heck, I just met you. Don't make things up, Skylar." Hayes menggaruk kepalanya. "Please," ucapnya dengan tatapan memohon.
"I don't like you," ucapnya menatap mataku dalam. "I-I mean I don't like you like that. We just met. I can't just fall in love with a person I just met!" Ia terbata-bata.
"Are you amnesia or something, Alex? Because you met me. A couple years ago. You took me to an amusement park. You gave me a teddy bear." Aku berteriak seperti orang stress.
Siapa yang menulis ini.
Aku tidak suka dengan orang yang menulis script ini.
"Do you remember that I used to call you an asshole?" ucapku pelan.
"Skylar, don't do this." Ia menarik napas dalam. "I just can't go on a date with you, again."
"So, you remembered? What a surprise," ucapku sarkastik.
"You just bring out bad things, for goddamn Skylar! It's not good for me. For us. I-I can't do this."
"Okay, nice job Hayes," ucapku pelan.
"Wait, 'kan masih ada 5 lines lagi," ucap Hayes bingung.
"You're good. You got the part," ucapku.
Aku hanya tidak ingin melihat mukamu untuk sementara.
It really brings out too many memories.
"Really? Thank you thank you thank you, Emily. You're the best!" ucap Hayes gembira.
Tak lama kita berbicara sedikit, berfoto bersama, dan ia keluar dari ruangan ini.
My job here's done.
I'll just give Skylar's part to Amanda.
Aku membenamkan kepalaku dalam kedua tanganku.
Perlahan, semua memori terputar begitu saja.
"Hey," ucapnya. Aku menengok. Sudah ada boneka lumba-lumba di tangannya. "For you." Ia menyerahkannya.
"Aww," ucapku. "Thank you, asshole," ucapku.
"Any better nickname for me?" tanya Hayes memutar mata.
"No, sorry," ucapku menjulurkan lidah.
"Hi," sapaku.
"Hey," ucapnya. "Let me tell you. You're amazing."
"O..kay. Thanks," ucapku bingung.
"But you know what happens next right? This ends here. You can't tell anyone about what happened today or yesterday, not even your parents," ucapnya menghela napas. "Look if we go down there if we get photographed together it'll get crazy."
"Why does it have to get crazy?" tanyaku bingung.
"Cause I'm Hayes Grier and you're just an ordinary girl."
It hit me right in the heart, Grier.
"One second I'm amazing and the next you're embarrassed to be seen with me?" Aku menatapnya tak percaya.
"Aku tidak malu, Emily," ucapnya.
"Oh really?" Aku menaikan alisku. "If I was Madison Beer, you'd rush right down there and ake sure somebody take our picture. But guess what? I'm just an ordinary girl!" Aku berjalan pergi.
"Emily wait."
Aku berenti dan melihat kearahnya. "What?"
"The pictures you took. Of us. I should keep them."
"You want my camera?"
"Just in case. I don't want it to- you know. Get out," ucapnya.
"Fine. Here," ucapku sambil melempar kameranya. "There's nothing I'd want to remember anyway!" Aku berjalan pergi.
"Emily please wait. I don't want to say good bye like this," ucapnya.
Aku menarik napas dalam dan berbalik arah, lagi.
"Okay how about this. How about we both forget this whole day ever happened? You won't talk about me and I promise I won't talk about you."
"Look, go ahead and judge me but you don't know what it will be like, the paparazzi never go away and once they have you in their sights they won't quit until they get what they want, and when they finally get it, they'll turn it into something ugly. They'll ruin everything."
"They don't have to, you already did." Aku menggeleng lalu beranjak pergi.
Aku kembali.
Kayaknya di Fame aku bakal buat cerita yang isinya pendek-pendek deh.
Udah SMA nih.
Btw, bagi yang penasaran gua SMAnya gimana MPLSnya gimana atau MOSnya atau apanya lah, boleh baca WRITE MY LIFE di works gua.
Ada sesuatu yang mengecewakan :(
see ya!
Yang masih nyesel sampe sekarang50★?
Fame → Hayes Grier
ФанфикFame (n.) the condition of being known or talked about by many people, especially on account of notable achievements. "Fame changes a lot of things." - Emily Peter "I feel like fame is wasted on me." - Hayes Grier « Hayes Grier F...