Chapter Five : The Gathering Moment

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Sara and the team arrived a few hours earlier than Oliver and team. She waited for them in the Waverider. She heard a car sound and it was Oliver.
"Sara! Are you all ready ?" asked Oliver.
"Yeah", Sara said.

Emma was already there, watching. From behind the line of course. She waved on Oliver. Beside her, there's a beautiful lady. Regina Mills, the Mayor.
"Welcome to Storybrooke", said Regina.
"Pleasure! This town already look so cool", said Ray.
Both Emma and Regina chuckles.
"Come on! Btw this is Regina. Regina, Oliver Queen. Oliver, Regina Mills. She'll go with us to Underworld. " said Emma.
"But I thought you're the mayor ?" asked Sara.
"Well, I multitask" answer Regina with that smirk of hers.

They walked and they all gather around in the Mayor's office. Inside it, they saw a fine 'young' man and a pretty & smart-looking lady.

"This is Killian, he'll come to. This one is Belle, she's smart. Comes in handy" said Emma with a wink.
"Killian is my boyfriend, the one who once stuck on Underworld like your friend", said Emma again.
"Nice to meet you all" said Killian.
"Yeah, its really exciting to meet new people", Belle said.
All the team just smile.
"Okay then. We will go tomorrow night. Tonight you guys will be staying at Granny's Bed & Breakfast. Its basically just a hotel and in the morning you'll be able to eat at Granny's Diner", said Emma.
"Great food and drinks too", added Killian.
"Oh and some of you might need to share a room or bed since Granny's also served small amount of rooms there, see you tomorrow", said Regina this time.
"I will walk you there. Its not that far", said Belle.
"Okay then. Lead the way" said Thea.

They all arrived at Granny's Bed & Breakfast. Ollie shared a room with Ray, Jax shared a room with Professor and Barry. Meanwhile Sara shared a bed with Len and luckily for Thea she got a room for herself. They stayed the night there. Its bit a long and exhausting night after all.
NOTE : yes this is it for now .. next chapter will be about Laurel ;)

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