Meet Tiffany

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We finally are at the academy after what seemed like forever.
"Damn I forgot how far this damn school is " Brandon said with tired eyes. I agreed in my mind cause I hate it when he's right which is...very...very rare.
Brandon opened the door and holds it out for me. Seriously sometimes his tender heart can make me barf . "Stop being such a gentle colt Brandon I'm your sister." He looked at me with a player's eyes. "But your still a mare and I must be " he chuckles at his remark and walks off to his friends. And you guessed it , they are the most popular colts in school. Ugh I thought to myself. I walked over to Tiffany my best friend and well my only friend. "Hey Ellie." She said with her soft tender shy voice. Her aqua eyes looking toward me. "Hey tiff" I said as I sat next to her on our table in the canteen. Tiffany being the sweet mare she is ,offered an apple and well of course I accepted cause one i was hungry and two who can say no to those eyes. She sometimes takes advantage of her puppy eyes whenever she forgets her homework. Works every time...
"So is there anything new?"
She looked up with sparkling eyes "oh yes indeed!"
"There is going to be a drama class as part of our schedule this year, isn't that exciting!" Ok so Tiffany may be shy but when it comes to acting and Shakespeare she is a total different mare."That's great tiff!" I'm not much into dramas but I do love Romeo and Juliet! It's one of my favorite. Well technically my the only one I like.

*bell rings*

"Oh I guess it's time for homeroom!"
We stood up , threw away our food and walked to homeroom.

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