Chapter 6- Carter

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Lukas's POV

"OOF!" was the sound that Petra made when she hit the leaves. My ears were still ringing from when I hit the ground. Petra just laid there, motionlessly. I cautiously poked at her.

"Lukas?" she asked, her voice muffled.


"Why are you poking me?"

"Er, sorry, just making sure. Your name is Petra, right?"

She sat upright and looked at me funny.


"Um, sorry, that came out wrong," I corrected, "I mean- "

"No, I think I get it," she said, "I got hit with the arrow, didn't I?" she said.

I nodded.

"I wonder where those arrows are coming from and why anyone is targeting us," I said.

"Well, wonder no more, dear friends, because I just found our ticket back home!" exclaimed Jesse as she leaped down from the tree branch, landing on her feet. And that's why she's the lead- wait, I said that already, didn't I.

"You found the flint and steel?" asked Petra.

"Over there!" she said, pointing behind Petra and me. I looked, and saw a walker slowly making his way over to us- with the flint and steel in his hands!

"Boy, I've never been so happy to see a walker in my entire life!" I said.

"Touché," Petra replied.

"Come on!" said Jesse as she ran over to the walker, pulling out her sword. I don't think she noticed that Petra and I weren't following her. I watched Jesse kill it from a distance and grab the flint and steel. She picked it up and thrust her arm into the air.

"Got it!"

"Now, all we have to do is find the portal and- "I began.

"-and get lost in the portal hallway all over again," Petra finished my sentence. All three of us groaned.

"I just wish there was some way we could know exactly which portal is the one that leads home," Jesse remarked as she walked back over to us.

"We'll just have to keep searching through portals until we find it," I said, "Let's wake up Aiden and Maya."

After Aiden and Maya were awake and out of the tree, we made a plan. Maya would stay behind to take care of Aiden so we can look for the portal faster. When we found it, I would go back to get Aiden and Maya so we could take them directly to it. Maya didn't seem too fond of the first part for some reason but agreed to go along with it.

We said our goodbyes, then separated.

The three of us strolled through the peaceful woods as I thought to myself what we should do if we found the portal. I mean, how would we not get lost again in the hallway? There had to be some way to tell how to get home, right?

"Maybe we should build a boat," said Jesse as we approached a river.

"Should I go get Aiden and Maya while you do that?" I asked.

"Sure, that'll work," said Jesse. She and Petra began to cut down trees while I vanished behind trees.

I walked across the orange and yellow leaves with my thumbs in my jean pockets. I didn't really feel comfortable with walking alone in the woods during a walker apocalypse, but I was halfway there and I had a sword on me, so I guess I was safe.

Portals- A Minecraft: Story Mode FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now