Oppurtuntiy of a life time

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I woke up the next day refreshed and happy. For once everything in my life was ok. I got my first wage today from my new job. I couldn't wait to see it.

"Princess, wake up. I have a suprise for you."

I looked at the alarm clock. 1pm...i never usually sleep in this late. Dear lord the bed was comfy. Ramin and Cameron were already dressed.

"Ok so i need you to come with me. Something important has come up"

He dragged me out of bed and i got dressed quickly. We headed down to work and made our way onto the stage.

"Daddy daddy" I heard a little boys voice and turned to see Hadley, another boy and Ramins Ex wife. This was the suprise. Arghh.

"Morning Ramin. The kids have everything in their bags. I will come pick them up at 9. Have a good day kids and be good for dad."

"Yes mum" The older one shouted.

"You must be Issabelle. Lovely to finally meet you. Ramin has non stop talked about you." I looked at Ramin and smiled.

"Hopefully all good" she laughed and nodded.

"All good, yes...im Mandi by the way"

She held out her hand and i shook it. Ramin smiled.

"Ok so i better be going Daniel is waiting for me." Mandi stated

"Tell him i said hi" Ramin shouted.

"Will do" After saying goodbye, Hadley came over to me.

"I thought your name was Amy.?" He was smart for a five year old.

"It was my spy name."


"Belle. This is my eldest son Jayden" he smiled and held out his hand.

"Hello Belle. I like your hair."

"Thank you Jayden...i like your top" he had a phantom top on with black shorts and blue converse.

"Are you and my dad going to get married-"

"Anywayyyy" Ramin interupted. "We still need to give you your suprise."

"Wait i thought the kids were the suprise.?" He laughed and shook his head.

"Nope. Now come on." He grabbed my hand and i grabbed jaydens who grabbed Hadleys.

"Ah. Ramin, Belle. Glad you're here." One of the managers said

"Belle. Great news. Andrew Llyod Webber watched the show last night and wants you to be the lead in his new musical. Its set here. It would be for seven months and you would be payed greatly. "

"Oh my god. Thats amazing. Yes...deffinetely."

"Also. There are some friends of yours here" All my family from on the streets came in smiling.

"We understand you helped them survive. We thought that was amazing so we would like to offer you a five bedroomed house. The rent is 670 a month, we got it discounted from its original price and we will pay for it. All you have to buy is clothes, food and furniture. What do you say" i stood shocked as did everyone else.

"I say this is a dream come true, that i would be mad to refuse. Yes a million times yes"

Ok someone pinch me, have i woke up in an alternative universe where the universe in on my side and not against me?.

4 hours later we were all inspecting our new home. Ramin had taken the kids, including Cameron to the cinema and bowling while i sorted everything else.
We had had two sofas given to us, a microwave, a cooker, some quilts from Charlie. Ramin had bought us three beds. Two doubles one single. I  Everything was finally sorted.

"Baby, we're back" Ramin shouted downstairs. I ran down to him, hugging him, laughing.

"This is so great...my family have a home" i looked around adoringly.

"Its all thanks to you" Ramin said, smiling.

5 hours later.

Me, ramin and the three kids had been ice skating, mcdonalds and to the fair. It was now time to drop Hadley and Jayden back off with their mum.

"Mummm" They both ran towards one another and hugged. Jayden stayed behind and hugged me.

"I hope one day you and my father marry. You're the first girlfriend he has had since mother. You must be very special"

"Thank you Jayden. Now go...please your mum will be waiting." He nodded and ran off. Ramin came to me and hugged me close.

"They really like you."

"I really like them" He smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

"Are you and Cameron going back to the house?"

"Yes we are. Are you going to the hotel?" He nodded.

"Hey, why don't you come stop at our house?" I asked him and he smiled widley.

"I'd love to" I giggled and started running off with Cameron, Ramin chasing after us.

"Come on Cameron. Bed time" i settled Cameron into his own room.

Claire and Frank had one together.
Troy and Tyler had a bedroom each
I had my own and Cameron has his own. I snuggled up to Ramin and he stroked my hair.

"Jayden mentioned something to me today. Before he left." He looked down at me and kissed my head.

"What was that?" He chuckled.

"That you hadn't had a girlfriend since you and Mandi got a divorce."

"Haha, he isn't lying. You are my first girlfriend."

"Why me?"

"Because something about you clicked inside me. Since then i have wanted nothing more than to make you mine since the moment i looked into your brown eyes when you found my son."

I blushed and kissed him.

"Can i ask you something?" Ramin asked after a few minutes of silence.


"Why...how...when did you become homeless?" Ramin stuttered to get the question out.

"Well...when i was 19 my mum passed away. I never had a dad so i had no one. I didn't know any other family members. I had no other choice but to live on the streets. The council wouldn't help and no one would listen to my plea for help. Then i met my little family and i realised i had to help them. So i got a job and used the wage for food and quilts and clothes for everyone. Then i met you"

Ramin let tears fall from his eyes as he hugged me closer.

"Im so sorry Belle. You didn't deserve this"

"No one deserves it" i finished. I fell asleep in Ramins arms as he sang music of the night to me.

"Shutup Ramin. We are trying to sleep" Claire shouted from next door. Laughing as well.

"Love you Claire." Ramin shouted saracasticaly.

"Don't make me come in there Mr Karimloo" Frank joked.

"All of you shutup im trying to sleep". Troy shouted.

"You shutup Troy, im trying to sleep." Tyler shouted.

"All of you shutup. I am asleep" Cameron shouted which caused us all to laugh.

"Night everyone"

"Night" They all shouted back.

Ramin started to sing but more quitly this time. I was enjoying it till...


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