Home time.

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Me and Ramin headed to the car after packing everything up. It was the day to go home. I admired my ring as i waited for my fiance to get into the car to set off home. He climbed in and he looked at me with a sad smile.

"Is everything ok?" He shook his head and smiled. "Ramin,you said you trust me...so tell me whats wrong?"

"Why did you say yes?"

"To marrying you?"

"No...to been my girlfriend?" I looked at him confused.

"Baby, where has this come from?" He handed me his phone and i looked at his ex girlfriends instagram. She had put a picture on of her putting up her middle finger.

Those who lose the best people let off a vibe that makes me people feel sorry for them. My ex got a new girl. Bet she felt sorry for him and said yes for pitty. Hes clingy, horrible and talentless. Who needs a man like him...proposing to her after she found out you proposed to me...saddo. glad you're out of my life. Rant over.

I looked to Ramin and grabbed his hand. He looked at me and then down at our hands, smiling a little.

"Do you see this...this is love. What me and you have is beyond perfect and i wouldn't want anyone else but you. I said yes to been your girlfriend because i couldn't bare to loose you. I wont loose you Ramin. Not now and not ever. This is the beginning of an amazing journey that is going to be me and you. And whatever troubles come along the way." He smiled and kissed me.

"I love you My world".

"I love you too" I said back. We set off and i silently sat cursing Ramins Ex...she had no right to say things like this. I got my phone out and took a picture of my ring. I then uploaded it to instagram.

To my friends and family. My beautiful man has asked to spend the rest of my life with him. Of course i said yes. And you know why...because other than my family hes the one who makes me smile. Hes the one who ,even though im the worst person to watch films with,sits by myside and lets me rant. This man is the man i am going to spend the rest of my life with. Forever and always. I love you my world 💖

No one tells me what i feel towards this man and i can't explain what i feel so god knows how other people know how i feel. Stay out of our relationship if you don't have positive things to say xx love you all.

Finally we arrived home and i saw Ramin looking on my instagram.

"Why did you do that?" He asked annoyed.

"Do what?"

"Put that on instagram...its just going to bring unwanted attention to the relationship."


"Take it down...or just change what you put in the quote section. It will just cause trouble." He climbed out of the car and i did after. Cameron came running out and hugged me.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too sport" he then rang to Ramin. Ramin hugged him tight and it made my heart leap. I walked inside...still mad at Ramin. I wasn't taking that picture or the quote down. He was my world and i wanted people to know how much i loved him. I made my way to my room.

Ramins pov:
(this is exciting. Havn't done his point of view yet...)
I watched Belle go upstairs. I hated arguing with her but i couldn't deal with the attention right now. I looked on her instagram and noticed she had put another picture on of our first date.

Seems so long ago...how different we have become in such a little time. I love you Ramin.

She made it so hard to stay mad at her.

I love you too my life xxxx

I looked on her other photo of the ring and looked through some of the comments.

Im so happy for you.

People need to mind their own buisness

Lol i love how sassy she is.

Whoever is saying they don't love one another have clearly never seen them together.

Whos this about?.

I noticed she replied to this one.

No one in paticuler. Its just incase people start saying we havnt been together long enough to be engadged.

Oh okay thank you. You have a lovely voice btw. Loved you in Phantom

Thank you sweetie.

I stood up and went upstairs to Belle. She was sat on the bed on her laptop.
I crawled on the bed and layed my head on her lap. After a while she started running her fingers through my hair. I grabbed her hand, stopping her and brought it to my mouth. Kissing each knuckle.

"Im sorry. You can keep the post up...i don't care if people get involved. As long as you never stop loving me...i couldn't care less what anyone thinks." She smiled and pulled me up to her. Hugging me tightly.

"I love you so much"

"I love you so so much". I replied.

"Come on it's late. Bed time"

"I don't want to go to bed yet...im not tierd." I crawled on top of her. I nudged her nose with my nose and kissed her lips. Then down her kneck.

"Not tierd? Lets see if we can changed that" I giggled as we reinacted the night before at the hotel. And yes i did get tierd...very...very tierd.

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