Drunk text he sends you

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Alec: Hhryyyyy annngleee😏😝  (hey angle)
You: Are you drunk?
Alec: yy do yo ass thattt?(Why do you ask that)
You: where are you?
Alec: I don kniw   (I don't know)
You: I'm calling Izzy.
Alec: waiu I at thr clib (wait I'm at the club)
You: I'm on the way

Jace: bbaaaabyggurllla (babygirl)
You: Jace?
Jace: wwyddin? (Wyd?)
You: worrying about you
Jace: awww baby gorilla (awe babygirl)
You: gorilla?... Jace where are you?
Jace: Magggnuumm's...y? (Magnus... Why?)
You: omw
Jace: waiuu nooooooi (wait no)

Simon: aaayyttyee babbbbnne (aye babe)
You: have you been drinking?
Simon: maayggybbe (maybe)
You: where are you?
Simon: thhhw reeestttauraant(the restaurant)
You: I'm coming there
Simon: alruughhtr c yu sooooon😚😜🤓🤗🤗
                                       (Alright see you soon)

Magnus: haayyty🐴 (hey)
You: where are you?
Magnus: awwwsew ddommt ba partttyaaa poppppperrr (awe done be a party pooper)
You: Magnus?
Magnus: thhes clllpppb (the club)
You: where?
Magnus: clllunn  (Club
You: the club?
Magnus: yeeewssss huuuummtttty (yes honey)
You: omw
Magnus: ssssee uuui sooooopn qqquiieennnm⛑ (See you soon queen)

A/N: should I translate these for you guys???

I decided to translate them...

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