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This one... Just... I don't know.

I'm not really sure what time period this is supposed to be either. So...

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO! STAHAHAHAP! IHIHIHI'M SAHAHAHARRY! I CAHAHAHAN'T TAHAHAHAKE ANY MOHOHOHOAHAHAHARE!" The prince sighed and stopped tickling his latest victim's feet. "And you were so close, too." "I-I'm sorry, I couldn't... I couldn't take any longer..." "Oh stop apologizing for everything! You have every right to try to stop that... Whatever, just go." "P-pardon?" "Leave me!" The frightened boy, who couldn't have been older than nineteen, ran off, leaving the prince alone, as he feared he would always be.

The depressed prince lay on his bed. He thought of all that had been said by his parents. He thought of how while he was supposed to be finding a suitor, he was running around tickling boys. He couldn't help himself. He loved to tickle and be tickled alike, and being the prince, he could get his hands on pretty well anyone he wanted. But why do that when he was supposed to find his princess? Simple: he wanted a prince. He was gay. He had never talked to his parents about it, but the way they spoke of it to him, it seemed he needed a woman. Not that he wanted to tell his parents their only son was gay. Of course, if his parents could allow such a relationship, he could find a doxy or adopt children, but his parents wouldn't be happy with that, he knew. They wanted authentic blue blood children for him. He didn't want a doxy, though. He wanted to be faithful.

"Hello, son." "Hi mom... How's dad?" "He's feeling a bit better. Oh I'm so worried for him! I hope he can get better! His illness is ruining him..." "Mom, it'll be fine. I'm sure he'll be okay... We have good doctors..." "I sure hope so..."

"So, honey, do you think you're any closer in finding your queen?" The boy sighed silently. She spoke the word 'queen' with such excitement. Telling her he liked the same sex would surely break her heart. "No, mom. I haven't met any girls since you asked YESTERDAY." "Honey, if you can't try to look yourself, I will start looking, for you." "Mom don't. I have time. You're healthy. No one will try to kill you. And even on the very very very slight chance it happened, I don't need to be married instantly." "Honey, you know why I do this. You're my only child. I want to make sure you'll be alright." "A wife won't make me alright! I'm not even ready..." "You will be ready to court when you meet the right girl, I'm sure. I was sure I wouldn't be ready for years for something so big, but when I met your father, I knew I was ready." "Mom, I'm sure I won't find THE girl. You could show me every girl in the world and I'm sure I couldn't make a connection. I'm not ready." "You will be when you meet the right one, I'm sure." But how can he meet the right woman when he longs for a man?

"Addy! Addison! Addy! Addy! Addy! ADDISON!" A girl screams while running through the corridors of the large building. "Addison where are you?" "I'm in here, Mary!" The teenage girl runs into the prince's bedroom to find him lying there, depressed, again. "I think I found the next boy!" Addison just sighs. "Who?" He asks half heartedly. "He's gorgeous! So handsome... He's, um, he's tall and blonde and has green eyes; I know you're weak for the eyes! He has the most handsome face! He's really thin, but he looks strong. And I know already he's really ticklish. I know how much you like that," she winks. Addison's face was beet red. She was the only one who knew of his activity with the boys, and she loved to tease him. At the same time, his junk leapt at the mention of ticklish. Now to just find a way to ask without sounding too excited... "And I know he's okay with you! He has a homosexual friend." "REALLY? Go get him!" "Yessir!" She runs off. Addison was very excited to meet his newest victim.

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