The Storm

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Alice's POV

Today was a slow day and it was Friday it's really never like this,maby because we had half a day of school today or something

Everyone was already home from school because there was warning for thunder storms, everybody was just doing nothing because there was nothing to do, we coulden't go out because the sky looked like it was going to rain any minuite 

But me and Luke always find something to do so we decided to go watch a movie in the screening room, we chose to watch a scary movie so we went with the Halloween series and watched the first origonal one  then suddenly right after we started the movie the power went out 

Since we live in a hotel thing normilly the power would go back on but it didn't there was something wong with the generator it wasen't starting so for the rest of the night we were stuck without power but I was totally okay with it 

Scince the power was out and everything that was in the freezer was going to melt anyways Jessie let us have ice cream for dinner and told us not to tell anyone 

But after we finished eating our melting ice cream everybody just chilled for a little bit, and since nobody new what time it was we all headed up to bed and went to sleep 

I fell a sleep for a little bit but was woken by the sound of rain and soon after thunder, I have always hated stormes for no reason and I didn't want to be alone so I went into Luke's room 

When I was in there he was just laying there with his eyes open stairing at me and I told him I was scared and instead of making fun of me he lifted up the blanket and scootched over so I could lay down with him 

Luke's POV

After I scootched over to the side a little Alice started walking and she flinched after she herd some thunder and ran over to my bed, it was kinda funny but I didn't laugh I just gave her a silent smirk as she ran over to my bed 

We haven't had a storm like this in a few years so I can see why she's scared, but as she got in my bed she layed down on her left side facing me and saying "Thanks" and I told her she didn't need to thank me and that everything was going to be fine

After we had our little talk she turned over to her other side with her back facing me, right after she turned to her side I saw the scars on her back but not saying anything I just rubbed her back slowly going up and down for a little bit

As soon as I tuched her back I felt a chill go down her spine but she knew it was me and just relaxed and let my hand move up and down, after I finished I pulled her in tight with her back touching my chest she slowly turned around so now that we were face to face

We just layed there holding eachother while we were there, after a little bit we doozed off Alice fell right asleep in my arms with her head on my chest and I fell asleep with my arms wraped around her and my head above hers 

I woke up a little bit later to the sound of a "BOOM" so I quickly woke Alice up and told her what I herd I know this sounds stupid but I wanted to go check it out, of corse she woulden't let me go alone so we both quietly got up from my bed 

Before we wen't out of my room I grabbed my metal baseball bat and walked infront of Alice from when we got out of the room tell we got down the stairs 

As we got down the stairs we went in the living room checking it out and went into the screening room next as we slowly checked it out the tv turned on and was all fuzzy and made a loud noise, me and Alice both screemed a little until we turned it off 

We check out everywhere and nothing was there so we just thought it could of been Mrs.Kippling, a few seconds later the power came back on and we both decided to finish watching "Halloween" 

After the movie was finished we both went up into my room and just decided to sleep which wasen't happening we both tried but we coulden't so we just talked about random things, this sounds wired but we kinda talked about us and our relationship 

I feel that Alice trusts me more than anybody and would trust me with her life as I do with her, i just really connect with her better because we have that strong of a relationship 

And yes I know I'm a guy saying those things but it's true and I really think I do love her, but anyways once we were done with that we decided to talk about high school because we only had like a week until we graduate from 8th grade 

After a few minuits of scilence we both just fell asleep next to eachother 

Jessie (In LOVE with Luke Ross (Cameron Boyce) ***UNDER EDITING****Where stories live. Discover now