One Direction Pregnancy Series

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"Hey (y/n)" Harry says while hugging you from behind, you decided to treat him with a sit down dinner tonight, your last couple of weeks had been in front of the tv, with friends, takeaway or him being at the studio to late to do anything nice together, it really takes it's toll on a relationships if you don't see each other believe it or not!

"Hey Harry" you say, you feel him rest his head on your neck and his curls brush your neck making you shiver and you feel his body shake with laughter as he realises what he did, did this to you so he repeated the motion.

"So whats cooking gurd lukin" he asked while you once again giggled and replied with a simple


After setting the table with the help of Harry of course you give him the meal and you both sit down, at first there is a silence not an akward silence its just right so you decided to ask him what had been playing on yours and other peoples mind as you had been asked so many times it had stopped and made you think about it and it seemed the right time for you personally

"Harry?" you asked

"Hmm?" he replied with a bunch of rice at the side of his mouth making you giggle once again

"People have been asking, and I have been thinking too.. when are we going to have a baby?" I asked

"when were ready" he replied quickly his eyes widening in fear?

"Harreeh we've married 1 year 5 months and 6 days now.. not that ive been counting well anyway the next step is to make a family of our own" you replied worried he didnt want children with you ever even though in a Church before you marry you have to promise to have childen together and you had both agreed alas you waited in the beautifully designed church in which you married, you started to worry that he was just trying letting you down lightly, he did always say you over thought things

"We're not ready (y/n)" he replied angrily, you know you shouldn't stress him he's had a hard day at work and you've tried to set the mood nice for the night and you couldn't understand this reaction to simple question

"But we are ready" you replied just as angrily this was bugging you now why did he feel you weren't ready did he think you were going to be bad parents.

But before you knew it he had dropped his fork stood up grabbed his jacket and keys and left slamming the door to let every damn person know he had left even if the only person was you.


You and Louis were walking down the street happily chatting away when you came across Mcdonalds you suddenly realised a hard day of modelling payed its price as your stomach rumbled and it was so loud Louis heard it and laughed before leading you in not letting you have the choice in the matter, that was one of Lou's silly little fears, he associated the word model with starving yourself, at least you  knew he cared

After placing your order and eating you sat in a comfortable silence when out of the corner of your eye you saw a girl no older than 7 edging towards you cautiously

"Lou look" you whispered and when he noticed her, he beckend her closer and she now strolled over confidently making you both smile

"Ello love" Lou said making her giggle

"Hello Louis and (y/n)" you were suprised she knew your name at such a young age but I replied politely with a 'hello'

"What's your name and how old are you?"'asked Lou

"I'm Cassidy and I am 6" she said cutely holding up 3 fingers on each hand

Louis gave her and autograph and a picture

One Direction Pregnancy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now