12) Flight

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The fresh air streaked my face wildly, whipping out some soot from my cloths. For that split second everything was so peaceful. Colorful lights twinkle from the street and a rather bothersome blare of sirens comes from the near distance. My mind's still groggy from being asleep a minute ago and I see everything like through jello. Time paused in that moment, letting me cherish it before reality hit me full on at 60 mph.

Then, like someone had flicked the lights, everything around me tinted violet. The sounds of sirens were suddenly muffled and distance. The feeling of losing altitude vanished. I looked down. I sat hovering in a ball only inches above the ground. If I stretched my foot out I could probably touch the grass with my toe. Before I had the chance to try, the ground was shifting away from me. I was moving slowly upward as if pulled by a string. What was going on? It must be a dream. I reasoned with myself. It definitely felt like a dream. Everything had that warped sense to it. I stretch out of the ball I had curled myself into. My fingers brushed what felt like the surface of a taught balloon. I realized I was inside of a bubble. What an interesting dream. I smiled as I remembered a video I had watched on lucid dreaming once, about how you could control what happened in a dream if you became conscious in them. The feeling of power made me smile wider. I could do as I pleased. Pondering what I should do, I decided to turn back home to restore the peaceful manner and extinguish the fire. It didn't work. I furled my eyebrows, concentrating harder. The bubble I traveled in continued to move upward. Anger and frustration waved over my exhausted body. I dececided I wanted to wake up. Squeezing my eyes I willed myself to wake up. When I opened my eyes I was still in the light purple sphere, rising above the tree line. Panic began to make my throat tighten as I frantically pinch at my forearm. It only left painful fingernail indentions. I wailed in frustration, not knowing what was happening or what to do. I tryed shift toward the skin of the bubble but something held me in the center. My fingertips could only touch the surface and my bare feet scrapping the bottom uselessly. Thrashing feverishly wasn't doing anything except making me short of breath. I grabbed at my hair desperately.

Then, eveything fell dark. I could no longer see the street lights or my burning house below me. There was a small pop and I fell a few inches on my butt to cold cement below. I still couldn't see inches infront of my face. My breath was loud and clumsy as it rattled out of my throat. The air was cold and I could feel goose bumps rising on my skin under my sweat shirt. Eerie quiet settled around me. I was afraid to move. I racked my brain for ideas or anything that would help me right now. Of course, my mind was blank. Clicking of heels on the floor made squeal and scoot back ward on the ground. A dim hallway light shone through a doorway across the large, empty room, silhouetting a women who stood several feet in front of me.

"Hello Alexandria" Her voice was crisp and business like, it had a ring to it of an accent I was unfirmilliar with. She held still, not advancing, which I was fine with. One of the over head main light lights flickered on, making my squint.

"How do know my name?" I croaked back, shifting farther away from her. When my eyes properly adjusted I could see the women had pale skin and dark brown, nearly black hair. She wore a tight, pinched expression, like she was analysing me and found what she saw distasteful. The room was empty, large enough to fit several cars. "And where am I?"

"Come with me" She took a step toward me and extended a slender hand. "I will answer any question you have" 

I looked frantically around me and saw the only exit was blocked by the women. She gave a short, forced laugh. "Run if you want. You'll find there is no where to go." She said.

"Fine" I said standing up. "Tell me what's going on, though."

"Just follow me. Felix will explain everything." She turned briskly on her heels and walk swiftly from the room. I followed her in to the hallway. The floors were tile, checkered white and gray. Smooth, white walls hung closely on either side. We walked a short distance, turning a few times on the way. When she stopped, she gestured to a door, motioning for me to enter. I looked hesitantly at her before slowly pushing the door open. I stepped into the small room. When I looked up had to grap the door frame for support. My four missing friends sat around the table with a man I'd never seen.

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