3) Whiskers

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I was staring blankly at my half finished, in class assignment, when the teacher tapped me on the shoulder. Straightening quickly and turning around, I saw Ms. Brunette slightly frowning down at me.

"Your mother is on the phone," she pointed at the school phone on her desk. I didn't remember the phone even ringing "You may want to take this"

I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up. 'What could this be about?' I wondered. Ms. Brunette handed me the phone and I walked out in to hall.

"Hello?" I kept my voice as steady as possible. 'Why would my mom call me during the middle of class?' I thought. The person on the other end cleared their throat.

"Alexandria?" My mothers voice asked. She sounded a little worried.

"Hmm?" I picked nervously at my fingernails. Possibilities crowded around in my head. None of which ended happily

"Well, I just got home from grocery shopping ..." She started slowly "I really hate to tell you this, but I fret that Whiskers has passed on?


"I noticed a foul smell around his cage and he was just lying there. I poked him with a straw and he was limp. I know how much you loved that rabbit, sweetie, put he was getting old. We all knew he wouldn't last much longer. I'm really sorry, Alexandria, I loved him, too. He'll be greatly missed" She was starting to ramble. My head spun. I felt like I needed to sit on the ground, so I did. I stared blankly at the wall across from me.

"Alexandria?" My mother's worried voice shook me back into reality.

"Huh?" My voice was just above a whisper, I was surprised my mom heard it.

"Oh, sweetie," She cried out "I'll come get you and Annabelle from school right away" Annabelle, 9 year old sister, went to an elementary school several streets over.

I'll be there in 15, 20 minutes tops" Her voice assured me.

"Mmmkay," I said feebly. The line went blank. I sat for a while before standing and returning to class. I handed the phone back to Ms. Brunette, concern etching her face.

"I guess I'm heading home" I told her. "There's been a death in the family"

"A death!" She echoed. Many peers turned to look at me. I caught Kaci's round, apologetic eyes. "Of who?!"

"A rabbit" I replied, deep valleys arched between my eyebrow. My head still spun rapidly. I couldn't process the details. I only knew one thing. I've never owned a pet rabbit.

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