Chapter 2

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  "Do you have all your bags?" Mom asked as we were packing up the car. "Yes, mom, you asked me that three times already" I say, rolling my eyes. She sighed. "I'm sorry, sweetie. It's your first time at camp and... And I'm a little worried."

I put my hand on her shoulder. "Mom, it's okay. You don't have to be worried. Besides, I'm sixteen. I'm old enough to be on my own for a little bit." She gave me a hug. "I know sweetheart," she said, "I trust you." After our little moment, we got in the car and drove away.

We took a few Starbucks stops, but in the end it was a four hour drive. When we finally arrived, I immediately got out of the car and stretched my legs. There was a big sign in front of us that said Camp Everest. "I think we're here," mom says as she opens her door. We went into the trunk and took out the bags, then we walked over.

"Hi, my name is Stacy," said the woman at the entrance, "Do you have your packet?" Mom reached in her purse and pulled out the paperwork we printed off online. "Right here!" Stacy took the packet, then gave me some books and fliers and showed me to my cabin.

It was really big and brown, and was surrounded by two other cabins. It had a little doormat with a puppy on it, and a sign with the number 12 in front of it. "Well... I guess you're here," mom said. "Yeah, I guess I am," I replied.

I gave my mom a big hug. "Goodbye mom," I said. She shed a tear. "Write me everyday." "I will. I promise!" I said, squeezing her harder. Then she left.

As I stood in front of the cabin, I felt really nervous. I knew I wouldn't know anyone. What if they don't like me? I thought to myself. What if I don't make any friends and have to spend the rest of the summer alone? I began shaking and slowly turned the door knob.

There were two girls inside. They were both blonde and looked like they could be related. "H-hi" I stuttered. My face turned red. "I'm Selena." The girls smiled and waved. "Are you our other roommate?" Asked one of the girls. "Um... Yeah I think so," I said stupidly. "Cool! Come on in!" I walked over to them and put my stuff on the only bed without clothes on it.

"My name's Paris" said one of the girls. "My name's Alisha," said the other. They seemed pretty nice. "Are you guys like related or something?" I asked. "Sisters," they said together. "I'm seventeen and Paris is fifteen," said Alisha, "how old are you?" "Sixteen," I replied.

I looked around and noticed that there were four beds. "Is there another person staying in here?" I asked. "Oh yeah," said Paris, "she should be here any second."

  We continued talking about each other for a while, until the door turned and a girl walked inside. She looked really familiar. "Sorry guys, the line for ice was long," she said, holding up a bag of ice. She put the bag in the freezer, and turned around to face me.

  "Selena?" She asked. "You guys know each other?" questioned Ashley. "Yeah!" the girl replied. "I met her at 7-11 last week. I told her about camp! I can't believe you actually came!"

  I finally knew who she was. "Ava!" I exclaimed. "You're the other roommate!" "Yeah!" She said. She ran over and gave me a hug. It was kind of awkward at first, but I hadn't had a good hug in a while, so I hugged her back.

  "Who wants lunch?" Asked Paris. We all raised our hands and waked over to the food court.

We sat down at an empty table while Ashley got our sandwiches. "Who's the hottie?" Asked a boy at the table next to us. He was pointing at me. "Her name's Selena and she's out of your league!" Answered Ava.

"Don't worry about Evan," she said to me, "He's just a complete idiot with no brain whatsoever." "Hey, I heard that!" He yelled. "Kinda the point!" Ava yelled back.

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