Part One: A trip to Hogsmead.

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|May update this to fit to the story a bit better, personality wise for the reader|

It was a cold December day, the third year students and up at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry were running around the castle in a flurry of giggles and smiles. There was a certain energy in the air for today was....the first trip to Hogsmead of the school year. The third years who had gotten their permission slips signed were grouping up with friends within their respective houses, while the fourth years and up were mostly discussing what things they were going to get from Zonkos or from the famous sweets shop Honeydukes. (Your Name), A Slytherin fifth year and Prefect, was trying to coax a conversation out of her fellow Prefect Tom Riddle. Tom was a tall fellow, dark eyes, dark hair, pale complexion, with a talent for the dark arts and an attitude that could change in a flash. Tom and (Your Name) both came from the same horrid orphanage in London and although Tom would never admit it...he cared for the sarcastic and sometimes pesky girl in his own twisted and sadistic way.

"I think we should just ditch Hogsmead, rob Gringots , and kill everyone."

"Yes, yes. That's wonderful, (Your Name) have you seen those idiots anywhere?" Tom looked down at the glaring (Hair Color) Headed girl. "what?"

"You didn't hear a word I said, did you Riddle?"

"Not in the slightest (Last Name), why?"

(Your Name) scoffed and rolled her (Eye Color) eyes in annoyance. Ever since fourth year had began Tom had been growing distant, always with the same group of Slytherin Pure-Bloods, always reading the same tattered book...He didn't talk to (Your Name) much anymore and it worried the female. They had both been through so much together, how could he possibly abandon her after almost Fifteen years of friendship? He wouldn't dare, even if he did she would raise all kinds of hell and most likely drag him back to the Slytherin common room by his ear.

"I haven't seen the bafoons anywhere Tom." (Your Name) eventually replied. She pulled an emerald green cloak around herself and made sure her Prefect badge could be clearly seen as it sat proudly pinned over her heart, shining in the green candle light of the common room. "And even if I had, why would I keep track of where they go. I am no mother to any of them." (Your Name) grabbed her sack of knuts and her wand before pushing the door to the opening of the common room aside.

"Where are you going?" Tom asked, stepping out after her quickly and shutting the secret door.

"In case you haven't noticed Tom, It's Hogsmead weekend...The weekend we all go to Hogsmead and shop for Christmas presents like we do every year...are you coming?"

Tom hesitated for a moment before following after (Your Name)'s retreating form, it seemed she wasn't waiting for an answer. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to accompany a fellow Prefect to Hogsmead for a short while."

(Your Name) smiled just a bit and looped her arm with his own. When they arrived at the large front doors of Hogwarts they found a few other students waiting (Mostly excited third years giddy about seeing Honeydukes for the first time). Several girls began to whisper and glare in (Your Name)'s direction after seeing her with the absolute, no doubt about it, hands down hottest male in Hogwarts. Tom walked past said girls, towing (Your Name) behind him and demanding respect voicelessly as he passed. Tom waited with (Your name.) until all the students that were going had gathered round.

"Slytherin third years!" (Your Name) yelled out "Slytherin third years are to follow me into Hogsmead. Hey! I'm a Prefect thank you very much!" Then the large group started off down the road to the all wizard town as (Your Name) and tom walked behind them, making sure they didn't veer off the path.

"There's always snow here." (Your Name) commented during the walk. "I wonder why...What do you think Tom?" She looked over to the said male, finding him to be absorbed in this tattered black book again. "Tom. Tom. Tooooom." (Your Name) poked Tom each time she said his name, causing him to eventually snap the book closed and look down at the shorter Prefect.

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