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March 1970 

The month of April had just begun and the cold weather was moving away. It was nice to see the trees and flowers blooming again. In New York, snow was becoming less of a problem and the warm weather brought a new life to the state.
Georgia sat in her flat, staring out her window watching people scatter to their Monday jobs while a record played. Recently Georgia had been fired from a job at a second hand clothing store. Being an artist in the city was close to impossible. By no way could Georgia live off of sketches selling for thirty bucks. She horribly needed to get a second job. So, Georgia planned to take the day to search for another job.
With just her living in her apartment, it was hard to keep with the bills and still have extra money. Most of that money went into records and clothes. Music has always been important to Georgia, when she was little her dream was to become a rockstar. That of course never happened, Georgia quickly found that she wasn't made to strum a guitar or keep a proper melody.

Led Zeppelin's new album, Led Zeppelin II, played on her turn table. As soon as their first album came out,Georgia fell in love. Everything about the band made her want to lay back and enjoy life. When their music was playing she felt as if there were no troubles. And when Georgia found that her childhood friend was their drummer, she became more invested in the band. 

John Bonham had been Georgia's neighbor when they were toddlers. Their fathers became drinking buddies when the children first took a liking to each other. The two were inseparable for years. When Georgia's father wanted to move back to his home country, Bonzo and young Georgia never saw each other again.
When Georgia heard he was in his first popular band, she was so proud of him. Despite the fact they hadn't seen each other in decades, she still felt close to him. Georgia tried to mail him but there was no luck for a while. Eventually she got contact with his little brother, Michael, who gave her Bonzo's address. Soon after the two became pen pals.

Bonzo would send her pictures of his son and his wife, and occasionally a few of his bandmates. His letters were always vivid with stories of his time on the road and his life of a rockstar. Georgia felt embarrassed talking to him about her life which was so bland compared to his. She would send him Polaroids of her neighbors cat or silly drawings she liked to do.

Sometimes she would go a full month without receiving a letter from him and sometimes she would get a response days after she sent out her own mail.
Georgia almost had a heart attack when Bonzo told her Led Zeppelin was coming to New York. He told her the name of the hotel they were staying at and told her not to worry about tickets. It was exciting to see her childhood friend again. No, it was more than exciting, Georgia almost oozed with enthusiasm. Not only would she meet her favorite band, but she would be reunited with her oldest friend.

Georgia needed to be payed as quickly as possible. She wanted to look her best when she saw Bonzo, and certainly for the rest of Led Zeppelin. She had seen a few pictures of them in magazines and from what she could tell they all looked like hippies.

Being apart of the hippie revolution herself, Georgia didn't mind. From young girls she would hear in the shop or record store, all of the band members were dreamy. And from their music, Georgia had to agree.

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