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Georgia opened her eyes when the green and blue lights stopped flashing and the steady beat of a snare drum stopped. The concert ended with two encores and the crowd singing Whole Lotta Love. Her attempt of forgetting about the groupie worked but when she watched Robert leave the stage and walk towards the girl a wave of heat fell over her.

While semi-blinded by her hatred towards the groupie, Bonzo ran off stage barreling towards Georgia. He picked the her up in one swift motion and spun her around, making her fling her drink in a perfect 360 degree circle.

"Johnny!" Georgia yelled while hitting the man with her plastic cup, "let go of me!" Bonzo set her down gently, laughing while wiping remains of her drink off his face. "You got rum all over me! How the hell am I supposed to get this out?" Georgia tried to wipe the liquor off of her dress but it was no use.

"Its okay Georgie, it'll come right out with some baking soda," Bonzo said.

"Johnathan, you owe me a brand new dress," Georgia said in as serious of a tone she could muster.

"Yes mother," Bonzo said while wrapping his arms around her. They walked further backstage while Cynthia tried to calm Georgia down by telling her to soak the shirt and that they'd go get baking soda together tomorrow. Robert and Jimmy came walking towards them with two girls, the ones from stage right. With her current rage towards Bonzo, Georgia couldn't even look at the groupie without wanting to scream.

The girl was probably no older than fifteen, she had no business backstage at a rock concert. Her heavy blue eye shadow gave away her youth and her short skirt that barely scrapped her thighs was probably her attempt to look more mature. God in this moment did Georgia hate all three men standing in front of her. Luckily Jonesy was no where to be found or else she'd be hating the whole band. 

The groupie made sure she was leaning against Roberts shoulder, as if she thought she already had him on a leash. Robert of course looked beautiful, his blouse was open and you could see the sweat dripping off his chest and forehead. He seemed like his mind was still blank from the show, as if he hadn't yet adjusted to not being onstage. This oblivion he held of his surroundings was alluring, like his body was asking for someone to take him and tell him what to do, like a lost puppy.  Georgia looked down at the brown stains on her dress and felt so self aware of the glowing musicians next to her. She held her arms around her waist hoping they wouldn't stare. But of course, Bonzo had to cut right to her current insecurity.

"Georgie spilt rum on her dress," he blurted.

"No, this oaf spilt rum all over me," Georgia said hitting Bonzo's arm.

"On that's okay sweetheart, follow me," Robert said. He took Georgia's wrist and walked past the group down the hallway where the dressing rooms were. Surprised at his sudden since of direction Georgia stayed silent. After passing a few doors the golden god led her into his dressing room. It wasn't really a dressing room, it was more like a room with a big mirror and a rack of clothes. Robert sifted through the rack and handed Georgia a red and orange blouse.

"What am I supposed to do with this? I don't have any pants," Georgia said. Robert made an "oh yeah" face and started looking through the rack again. He gave Georgia a long black t-shirt that advertised a bar in blue lettering.

"Here, Love, That should be long enough for a dress. I picked it up a while back but it's too big for me," said Robert. It did look long enough to fall to her thighs and Georgia was desperate to not smell like a bar. Georgia thanked him and began to unbutton her dress. Robert just stood there watching her.

"Well.. turn around," said Georgia. Robert faced toward the wall and Georgia blushed. She took off her dress and slipped on the t-shirt. She told Robert it was okay to turn around and he did, looking at her.

"Why, you might be the next big thing in fashion Georgie," Robert laughed and eyed her.

"Oh shut up," said Georgia, she crumbled up her dress and threw it at Robert. "Don't you have a teen slut to get back to," Georgia said with a snap.

"You mean that groupie? I've been trying to get away from her since the show ended," said Robert. He placed Georgias dress on the chair in the room and walked closer to Georgia. The t-shirt dress hung right off of her body and fell above her thighs. She looked ridiculously tempting in it, like she was trying to tease him.

"Why, cause her boobs were too small?" Georgia mumbled, she immediately regretted saying that. She was just in a bad mood because of the groupie and the fact she had to wear a shirt from a bar to the after party. Robert was a little taken back by this. He didn't know she was so angry.

"No love, cause that girls probably in junior high and I'm not a cradle robber. I have boundaries too, you know," Robert said defending himself. Georgia just stood there silent, she just said "oh" and looked at the ground. She felt a bit better knowing he didn't like that groupie anymore. Feeling his eyes on her, she looked up at him and saw him staring right at her chest. She looked down and noticed the shirt was so sheer that you could see her nipples through the fabric. Georgia rolled her eyes and turned around.

She walked out of the room, Robert trailing behind her. "What?" He said in a light hearted tone. Georgia kept walking and finally caught up with the rest of the gang.

"Wow Georgie, you're really setting the bar for all the other girls tonight," Jimmy said, being a smartass.

"Bite me," Georgia responded. Jimmy looked her up and down, noticing how her hips put shape into the shirt dress.

"Oh I'd love to, baby," Jimmy responded, half joking and half not.

"Hey, keep your kinky paws off my girl," said Bonzo. He grabbed Georgias hand and walked away with her towards the snacks. Robert stood next to Jimmy, both of their eyes watching Georgias hips sway.

"When did Georgia get a body like that?" Jimmy said.

"Who cares, as long as she never puts on one of those baggy dresses again," said Robert, his eyes never leaving her for the rest of the night.

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