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It was well into the morning and Bonzo was still throwing back beers. JPJ laid in a booth completely stoned while Jimmy let fangirl after fangirl sit on his lap. Georgia did not see Robert again that night, she assumed he had found a girl more willing to get him off.

Georgia spent the rest of the night (or morning) on the dance floor, accepting drinks from strangers and singing songs she didn't know. She wanted to forget Robert for a while. She met a lot of men who wore the same tight clothes the band members wore, she even met a man who had long blonde hair just like Roberts. Forgetting his name, Georgia decided to dance with him but she knew it wouldn't lead anywhere.

Jimmy had to drag the drunken artist away from the dance floor, the whole time she yelled, "but I'm a boogie-in' baby," in a drunken slur. Jimmy threw her in a cab with Bonzo and the three road home. Robert and the others had left earlier, not that Georgia acted like she cared. The two boys continued to walk the drunk girl up to her room. The work was mostly done by Jimmy due to Bonzo passing out in the lobby before making it to the elevator. Security was too afraid to wake him up so he spend the night there.

Georgia liked being carried around by Jimmy, well, she liked being carried around by someone. She kept forgetting who was with her on the way back to the hotel and just accepted that a nice person was helping her.

Jimmy was much more sober than her and was extremely amused by Georgia's intoxicated state. Normally she was very reserved and thought about everything she said. Now, as she swayed in his arms, she was talking more than a gossipy schoolgirl.

"You know the problem with y-you, um," Georgia began as they walked into the elevator. She glanced up at Jimmy to make sure he was still there before she could finish. "J-Jimmy, is that you're.. much too.. mysterious," she said, slurring every 's'.

"Too mysterious? I thought you girls liked that," He said, trying to provoke her.

"We do! It's fun. But, you're ish-ue is that you're.. you're too..." Georgia lost her thought as the doors opened.

"Too handsome?" Jimmy suggested. He made sure Georgia was holding onto his arm as they walked to her door.

"Yeah! You're too handsh-ome, you're mysterious, and you're kind! Which no one would have known," Georgia said. Even sober Georgia thought Jimmy was handsome but she never wanted him to know that. "But I've known.. that you're nice."

"So the problem is that I'm just too perfect, huh darling?" Jimmy said. Once they got to Georgia's room, she immediately sat down on the carpet and leaned against the door. The guitarist sighed, as much fun as it was to watch her fumble around, he wanted to sleep. "Come on, get up, love. You have some sleeping to do," he said.

"Is it true?" Georgia looked up at Jimmy with a curious face.

"Is what true?" Georgia gestured for him to lean down to her.

"Is it true..." Georgia said very softly so only Jimmy could hear, "that you're.. a masochist?" Georgia's face was red. This was something she always wondered. All the magazines talked about how Jimmy was a rough-lover in bed, according to groupies who claimed to have slept with him. Jimmy laughed at this question.

"You'll find out one day love," Jimmy caressed her cheek. Georgia's face was flushed, from both the alcohol and her interaction with the man. He helped her stand back up and opened the door for her. She found her way immediately to the bed and crawled under the covers.

Jimmy was going to turn off the lights for her when he heard her mumble, "I wish," to herself.

Just The Music • • Robert PlantWhere stories live. Discover now