Lesson 10:Part 2(Redo)

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I'm sorry about the last chapter. I was writing it and didn't realize I published it so I'm continuing the story. I'll try to make them longer
Maya's POV

It's almost time to pick up the twins from daycare. I barely got any time to rest. I got back into the car and started it. I don't know what that lady at the front desk had with me. Never met her
I drove over to pick up the twins but I knew something was wrong but I couldn't turn back.
Why had Lucas rushed me?

Lucas' POV

I am not going to ruin my relationship with Maya. I barely know this girl!
I backed up as she leaned in and ran away not even turning back. I took a sigh and looked.
I didn't see her.
Almost done with the day. Soon after I finish lunch

Hanna's POV

Mom and Dad can NEVER find out what happened. I'm gonna have to tell Jake and hope he doesn't reject me.

We Meet WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin