Chapter 8

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Hailey's POV:

I wake up the next morning I wake up to Cody jumping on me. "Cody." I groan. "Yes cupcake?" He asks. "Why are you on top of me?" I ask. "Because it has been a week since we've cuddled and I want to cuddle." He says, then Amber walks into the room. "Hey Kay, can I talk to you real quick?" She asks.

"Sure, Cody, I have to get up." I say. He groans, but complies and get's off of me. I follow Amber to the HoH room where Frankie, Devin, Caleb, and Derrick are. "What's up?" I ask. "We were wondering if you would take the chance to go up on the block tonight?" Devin asks. 

Diary Room:

"Ok, I don't know what is going through their heads right now, but all I can think of is I'm playing for two people right now, not just myself. But, it could help me out by making it look like I'm not in the alliance. I don't know what to do."


"I don't know. I would need guarantee safety." I say. "You got it. You are not going home this week, the target is Brittney. What do you say?" Devin asks. I think for a little bit. "I guess, but I better not go home this week." I tell them and they all nod in agreement. 

I leave the HoH room and head to the kitchen to cook something for breakfast. I make one dozen chocolate chip muffins and a half dozen blueberry muffins. "Guys, breakfast!" I call. Soon everyone has a muffin and are complementing me on my cooking skills. "Christine, we need to talk." I tell her.

She follows me to the beehive room. "What is it?" She asks. "Amber is going to put me on the block and I said yes because I will have guaranteed safety and it could make me look like I'm not in the Bomb Squad." I tell her. "It's a good plan, but a risky plan." She tells me. 

"I know. It's kind of nerve wracking." I tell her. We talk for a few more minutes before walking back out. "Hey princess." Zach says as I walk outside to start some workouts. "What?" I ask. "What are you doing?" He asks. "I'm going to do a little running then I'm going to go to the punching bag." I tell him. 

"Can I run with you?" He asks me. "Sure, but can you keep up?" I ask. "Yeah." He says. "Ok, we're doing one hundred." I tell him before taking off. I'm done in thirty minutes. Zach is still on 92. "How are you so damn fast?" He asks me. "Well I was a track and cross country star at UTSA." I tell him.

"That explains it." He says, huffing. He finally finishes and I go over to the punching bag and start doing some kick boxing. Once I'm satisfied with my work I go back in the house to get a bottle of water. Then I see the tv and it says 'Nominations Today' and I'm nervous. 

I know I have to Bomb Squad, plus Hayden and Nicole to bag me up so I don't know why I'm so nervous. Amber and Devin soon call the meeting. They give the speech and then Devin shows his nominations. Pow Pow and Brittney. Then Amber goes up. Me and Hayden. I wasn't expecting him.

"I have nominated you Hayden and you Kailey I have chose you because you both are extremely strong competitors. I love you both though." She says. I smile and nod. I love Amber, she is super sweet to everyone.

They adjourn the meeting. Zach and Cody both hug me tightly. Nicole, Christine, and pretty much everyone else gives me a hug as well. I walk off to the rock room and am joined by Zach. We cuddle up together and I quickly fall asleep. 

The next morning I'm in the back yard and I see Zach and Frankie in the middle of the yard. Frankie is doing a spin. I get off the couch and walk over to them. "What are you doing?" I ask him. "I'm teaching Zach here how to spin." He tells me. I laugh. 

"If you want to spin you have to have a cool like leg movement in there. Here, watch this." I say. I step away from them and spin, in the middle of the spin I take my right leg and put my knee to my eye and straighten it out. "Damn girl, how can someone be that flexible?" He asks me. I laugh. 

"You want to see flexible, watch this." I say, going into a split and leaning back to where I'mm holding my back toes. "Damn, how is that possible for anyone to do. It looks very painful." He tells me. "Not really." I say before getting up.

Frankie is staring at me in awe. "Do you know the dance to I've got a feeling?" He asks me. "I think so." I say. He smiles. "5,6,7,8." He says and we kick off the dance with out music. The others are gathered around to watch. When we are done production calls me to the DR. Time to switch I guess. 

I go to the DR, closing the door behind me. 

Diary Room:

"Hey, how are things going." Kailey asks me. "Great, no one suspects a thing." I tell her. "Perfect. Ok, what did I miss?" She asks. I then fill her in on everything that had happened in the last two days. Soon we are changed and switching back. "Good luck Kay." With that I exit the room. 


Kailey's POV:

Diary Room:

"Ok, so Hailey tells me she voluntarily went on the block and all I'm thinking is that she's insane. I mean, the point is to stay off the block, not go up there on your own free will. Oh well, at least people won't suspect us about being with the Bomb Squad. Let's hope this plan of Devin's works so we don't go home."


I exit the DR and go straight to the back yard where Hailey told me she was dancing wit Frankie. I look out and see Frankie and Zach hanging out together. Bromance for sure right there. "Kay, you're back. What dances do you know. We can start dancing with each other." Frankie tells me.

"I'd love that. Um, I know pretty much every dance so we can do whatever." I tell him. He smiles. "Perfect." He says. We dance a little longer and then I go off the talk to Christine and Nicole. We talk all day and I soon go to bed. Cody comes into the rock room with me. "Can we cuddle?" He asks. 

"Fine, come on Cody." I say, moving over. His eyes light up and he jumps into the bed and pulls me close to him. I soon fall asleep.

BB16:Cody Calafiore Love Story & Zach Rance Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now