Chapter 4

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Kailey's POV:

In the middle of the night I'm called to the DR. I groan and get out of Cody's arms and walk to the DR.

Diary Room:

I walk in and see a blue envelope and grab it and open it.

"Congratulations Kailey/Hailey America has voted you to be the first member of a secret alliance called Team America. You will work together to complete tasks given to you by America all summer long. For each task completed you and the others will receive five thousand dollars. OH MY GOSH" I yell.

I'm so excited. "Thank you so much guys I'll do my absolute best to complete these tasks. I love you all and I know Hailey is too. Thank you."


I walk out of the room with a blank and tired face and go back to bed. Cody is still there. "Come on cupcake." He says. I crawl into bed and fall back asleep in his arms.

The next morning I wake up to Cody still asleep with his arms around me. I'm trapped. "Cody, let go." I tell him. "But I don't want to." He says. "Let go or I'll hate you forever." I say, he lets go instantly. I smile and get out of bed and go to the bathroom, right as I enter I hear Frankie and Caleb yell something.

"WHO WANTS TO SEE OUR HOH ROOM!" We all run up the stairs and when we enter it looks awesome. Then they go through their gift baskets. Soon everyone leaves and the day passes by quickly. I'm now outside on the hammock with Nicole and Christine.

Their talking about the supermodel bodies of the others. I can defiantly tell I could start an alliance together. I love these girls. The day once again passes by quickly. Today I am suntanning in my black bikini with Brittney and Nicole. I'm getting a tan this summer.

Me and Nicole go over to the hammock and Christine. "With everyone in the game I need those two people who I can trust, just two. I can feel that trustng you two would be the best move to make final three right here." I say. They both nod in agreement.

"You can always trust me, I will never throw you under the bus." Nicole says. Christine is nodding.Once we make the alliance I go off, back into the house, wearing a cover up. Devin then calls us to the living room. On the screen it says, 'Nominations Today'. Oh brother.

If I get out the first week then the plot twist will go nowhere for Hailey and I. Everyone is so nervous. Once night comes everyone gathers around the table and Caleb and Frankie come in with their boxes. They better not nominate me.

"This is a nomination ceremony. In each box is a key for the houseguest we are nominating for eviction. Through s random drawl, I will reveal my nominations first. The first houseguest I have nominated is," He says this then turns the key and Donny's picture comes up. What? Donny?

"The second houseguest I have nominated is," He turns the key and Pow Pow's face comes up. "I have nominated you Donny and you Paola, you are all great people, I'm just basing this off of the HoH competitions, Donny you where the first guy to fall off and Paola, you were the first girl. So that's why I chose you guys."

He steps back and Frankie appears. "The first houseguest I have nominated is," He turns the key and Victoria's face pops up. "The second houseguest I have nominated is," He turns the other key and Brittney's face pops up.

"I have nominated you Victoria and you Brittney, we all knew that being the first HoH would be difficult, it was one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make. I just chose the first two people eliminated from the second HoH competition. I am so so sorry, but this is what I've chosen to do. This nomination ceremony is adjourned."

I go over and hug Pow Pow, Brittney, Victoria, and Donny. Afterward Nicole and Christine pull me to the storage room and we celebrate not being picked. I'm so happy right now. Later at night, most people are asleep, but I'm in the kitchen with Christine, Amber, and Devin when he pulls us aside.

He tells us how the guys started an alliance together and Devin wants the three of us to be in it since we are strong competitors.

Diary Room:

"Ok Devin, I'm happy you want me in your alliance, but you don't know that every week you'll have a different person on your team who make her own judgement about you. Oh well."


So the guys alliance and the people in it is Caleb, Frankie, him, Zach, Cody, and Derrick. Perfect. He goes upstairs to talk to Caleb and then comes down to come get us so we can talk to him. We turn on the light and have a talk.

So now I'm on the Bomb Squad, but I have a true alliance to Nicole and Christine. Thank you for letting us in. We leave and they go to tell the other members.

Cody's POV:

So I get called to the HoH room by Devin. I go knowing that it has to do with the Bomb Squad. When I get there Devin is talking to Frankie and Derrick. "You definitely want to hear this cause you don't know either." Derrick tells me. This spikes my interest. "What?" I ask.

"Sit over here." Devin tells me and I go take a seat on the couch. "So Christine, Amber, and Kailey are full blown Bomb Squad members." He tells me. This shocks me. Amber, Christine, and Kailey? I get why he would do it. At least he said Kailey's name. I could work with her.

The fact that i like her a lot helps me want to be in an alliance with her. "Wait what? So their like in, like you told them about it?" I ask. "Yeah." Devin replies.

He tries to tell us how great of an idea it is and we're just like, 'don't tell anyone else'. Oh brother.

Kailey's POV:

Ok, so I'm apart of the Bomb Squad, I just have to lay low. I see Cody and I pull him into the beehive. "What's up?" He asks then I hit his shoulder. "Ow! What was that for?" He asks me. I don't even why I'm so mad, but I am.

"That was for being in the Bomb Squad and not telling me, I had to find out from Devin. I get that they wanted to keep it a secret, but I would tell you what alliance I'm in. I though we had each others backs." I say before trying to exit the bee hive when I'm pulled back in by Cody.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I don't really like this alliance,it's gonna blow up and I didn't want you apart of that." He tells me. "Fine, but no more secret alliances where I'm not in it to begin with." I say. "Fine." He says then we hug.

Suddenly we hear Hayden yelling at us to get ready from the Battle of the Block competition. I go to the storage room and see a dress so I think I'll dress up for it. I grab it and quickly change. I throw on some heels and curl my hair. I apply makeup and walk out.

I then see Cody come out in a button down shirt, slacks, and a hat. "Well don't you look nice." I say. "Not too bad yourself." He says. I smile and we walk arm-in-arm out the door. It's awesome. After Hayden tells the players the rules the game begins.

Pow Pow and Donny are having a hard time and Victoria and Brittney are doing really well. Victoria and Brittney win and Frankie is dethroned from HoH. What makes matters worse is that Donny and Pow Pow are still on the block. We all go back inside and the first thing I do is take off my heels.

Zach come up to me afterwards. I haven't talked to him since his first night here. "Hey, what's up?" I ask. He pulls me into the beehive. "I heard you are now in the Bomb Squad." He tells me. "Yeah. What about it?" I ask. "I just though I would welcome you into the alliance." He says.

"Well thank you, now I'm going to get some sleep, good night Zach." I say, leaving the beehive. I change into PJs and crawl into bed, falling quickly asleep.

BB16:Cody Calafiore Love Story & Zach Rance Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now