Percival Archer Riego (Part 2)

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 (Based on Previous Chapter)

 Five years had passed since the day you let me go,

 Drifting away from me and wounded my ego.

 I've tried hard to understand what you did,

 But I just can't accept that you never choose me indeed.

 Depths and hollow persuade me to become who I am now, 

Should I thank you, for letting me down?

 I am now successful without you by my side, 

But why do pain that kills me never hide. 

 I'm in deep curse since the day you'd left,

 Without even a word or trust I'd kept.

 You run while I'm chasing over you,

 But then it's non sense since he's with you. 

 You don't know how far I go through, 

Even a messaged I never got from you. 

You cut out every communication that tied our love, 

Now after all those year, here you are sending a damn requests that I now snob. 

 Who are you to come back after my dying hearts had been save,

 Who are you to even got angry of me after what I gave. 

Who are you to keep me mad and worry at the same time,

 Who are you to keep eyeing on me like a jealous lime.

 Why am I so affected when you were with me, 

All is the past now and in deep down bury.

 But what the fuck keeps me running towards you, 

When you choke up and bruise is seen through you. 

 I am so aware that you want me out of your life now, 

Yet, why your eyes keep telling the other way around somehow. 

You'll stick with me through thick and thin, 

From now on, I you want to go you'll never win.  

#JonaxxPOEMSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon