Chapter Three

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Welcome Home

"Keep the cloth pressed to her head. And get me another pillow somebody... She's waking up!" A voice I don't recognize said.

My eyes slowly flutter open and all I see is red. Everything is so blurry. I can't make out a single thing. Slowly my vision comes into focus and I can see a face.

"Hello deary, I'm the Red Queen. This is my home, the Red Castle. What's your name?" The lady asked. She's quite beautiful. Auburn hair, fair skin, beautiful green eyes."

"Alison... Alison Rose Sterling." I whisper.

"Well it's wonderful to meet you. Welcome to your new home."

Seven years later

"How do you like it dear? It's made from the finest silk." The Red Queen asked.

"I love it. Its so beautiful. Thank you." I look at my reflection. I have tanned skin, porcelain smooth. Crystal blue eyes and blonde hair that curls on its on. I'm 4'9 but I'm only ten so I'll grow more. I have a heart shaped face and full cherry red lips.

"Tonight's ball is in your honor so don't be afraid to have fun." The dress I wore is royal purple, violet really. It wrapped around my neck and was knee length. It had gems cascading all down the front of the top. It was breath taking.

"I will, I promise." I smiled at her. It pained me that tonight I'd have to leave. My friend Red said I can stay at her Grannies house. The red Queen.... She's not as she used to be. She's grown bitter and dark... I can't stay here. I have to leave.

Hours later

I can't stop. I know that if I do. They'll kill me for sure. They don't stop, they don't need sleep. All you can do is run and keep running. Red is right beside me just as scared as I am. The creatures of the night are new. The Red Queens newest creation...

I trip over a root and stumble falling to the floor hard. Next thing I know one of those things is on me and about to bite me when Red grabs it and shoves it away.

"Keep moving. We can't stop!" She helps me up and we keep running into the night. Trying to survive till we get to Grannies.

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