Chapter 28

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Eleanor's P.O.V

I was sitting in mine and Louis  house waiting for Louis to come home. He was out with the boys to celebrate finishing the Take Me Home tour. A few minutes later the door opened and slamed shut

"Louis shh, Em is sleeping!" I whispered/Shouted, He rolled his eyes,

 "Whatever," He grumbled, I looked at him blankly, Whats his problem? Wait he's drunk,

"Lou, Your drunk," I said annoyed at him,

"Shut up Eleanor," He yelled, He never talks to me like that!

"I will not shut up!" I yelled back at him, Forgetting about our sleeping daughter upstairs,

"Seriously Eleanor your a waste of space," He muttered, But I heard him loud and clear. Tears brimmed my eyes, 

"Oh don't fucking cry!" He yelled, I flinched, When I cry Louis would hold me in his arms, Not yell at me.

"What did I do to your?!" I yelled as I cried,

"Getting Pregnant!" He yelled, I gasped, So the baby is a...Mistake? I admit it was a surprise, But not a mistake,

"MY child is not a mistake you bastard!," I yelled, Suddenly I hear a punch and a crack and im on the floor,

"Oh my god.." I said, I looked up at Louis who has sobered up,

"El I-" He was saying, But I ran up to our room. I locked the door and got out my phone,



"El whats wrong?"


"El what happened..what did he do?"

"He punched me in the jaw."


"Calm down.Siobhan..please"

"Im coming to get you..bye Ellie."

Then she hung up. I sighed and walked into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror, My jaw was bleeding, It was throbbing. I let out a sob.

Im scared of my own boyfriend..

Hi everyone

So your all wondering Whats going on? Is Siobhan ok?

To answer your questions, 

I told my mum everything, So she put me into therapy,

So I have my first session tomorrow.

Also about School, I've hung around some other kids in my class, And they are awesome!

So im feeling alot better,

Thank you all for your lovely and warming comments, I keep you all updated,


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