That's how we start

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By: Aisha _Ssagaji
Pairing: junhwan (jinhwan, and junhoe from ikon)
Words: candles, awkward first meeting,cat.

He light his candles as always, praying for a safe day, with no troubles, it's his first day at school so he prayed even harder than always, he prayed for no more hard times, no more bullying, he prayed for having a friends, he prayed cuz he don't want to be alone any more, his parents left him all alone when he was 12 years old, he lived with his uncle until he is 16 years old, he start working part time jobs, and he is living in a flat alone, and all what he get in bullying not friends, he don't know what's even friends are.

Kim Jinhwan pov
"Let's go, i can do it, fighting kim jinhwan" i said cheering myself while putting my cat down, it's weird right? I have a cat and i'm quite poor but at least i don't feel lonely when i'm playing with her.

Here i am in front of my new school, it's not like it's my first time moving to a new school, but i'm still nervous, let's just go, i don't care anyways. I walked in the school hallway and i can hear the students talking about me, whatever. The teacher enter the class and i followed him.
End pov

"So we have a new student, introduce yourself" the teacher said, jinhwan nodded and talked "Hello everybody, i'm kim jinhwan, please take care of me" and bowed.
Kim jinhwan pov
I can hear them laughing at my height and some of them were saying that i'm cute and something like that i just ignored all of that and went to an empty seat.
End pov

-time skip-

It's lunch time, i'm not hungry i'll just go to the rooftop to get some fresh air. After i arrived there a student come to the rooftop too, what's wrong with him looking at me this way? Why do i feel like something bad gonna happen? I stood up, going to the class room but that student hold my hands, i looked at him with what-the-fuck-are-you-doing look, really what's wrong with this guy? "What" i said, "can't u see that i followed u here? And staring at u that why that means that i want something from u? Right?" He said, "let my hand first then we can talk, what do u want" i said, "let's play together" he said after leaving my hands, "what?" I said, i don't get what's happening here, what does he mean by playing? And why is he looking at me this way? What did he just smirk? OMG I THINK I GET WHAT DOES HE MEANT BY PLAYING, shit. I run but he hold my hand so strong i tried to hit him to make him leaving my hands but i couldn't, I slipped in the wet ground, "thanks boy u made it easier now" he said "why r u doing this i don't even know ur name, u don't too, stop it"i said "i don't care i'm a playboy as u can see, did u saw a playboy who cared about the name before? No?" He said and come closer to me i couldn't move he still holding me and i'm in the cold ground, Fuck it's happening. "Aish, u can't make it here u guys! I was trying to sleep over there, just go to ur home and make it up with him gosh" a guy said, thanks god that he appeared, i pushed the guy and run to the exit door.
End pov

jinhwan went to the class just sitting without talking to anyone, the class started and the teacher entered the class, a few minutes later a guy enter the class, "where the hell u were, junhoe?" The teacher said.

Kim jinhwan pov
"Where the hell u were, junhoe?" The teacher asked, i looked up wondering who is he talking to. THAT GUY, HE IS WHO HELPED ME IN THE ROOFTOP, i don't mean help me he didn't even know but whatever he just helped me without knowing. what? Why is he walking toward me? I looked around but there is no empty places near me? Is he coming to me?, "oh u, r u new here? It's my first time saying u?" He said, "E-e-eh? O-oh, i-i'm n-new s-student" i said, "hmmm so that was an awkward first meeting, right?" He look to my book, and then back to look at me again "kim jinhwan?", fuck, it was really awkward tho, "y-y-yeah" "okay then can u move cuz this is my seat and the teacher is about to eat me alive" he said while smiling, god he is so handsome i can't i stare at him for a time, "i know that i'm so handsome but can u move now we r still in the class u can complete staring at me from ur seat okay?", oh shit "o-oh s-sorry"

-time skip-

Finally it's over, this is the end of my first day at school, that wasn't what i prayed for, i have to explain this misunderstanding to that guy "junhoe" i called, "yeah?" He replayed, why do i feel so nervous when he is around, it's so weird having this feels toward a boy, "can we talk?" I said "okay why not, let's talk?" "Not here please, can we go outside the class at least?" He looked around too see the other student looking at us and Whispering, then he nodded and stood up walking to the door and i follow, he stopped out of the class and looked at me "here, u can talk now? Right?" I looked around and i saw my (classmates) looking at us from the class window, crap , this is not working let's just talk "okay, what u saw in the rooftop, this is not what u think!" "What i think? If anybody saw u like this will thought like what i thought!! Right?" "Can u let me explain, don't talk until i finish what i want to say, deal?" "Deal, i don't even know why r u telling my that but let's just hear what u wanna say" i told him everything, what happened in the rooftop, "hmmmm, i don't care actually, why r u telling me this?" He is walking closer to me, what the hell, "do u? Have.....any...feelings...for me?" He said while coming closer and closer, wow there is only one inch between our faces now "do u wanna be my boyfriend?", i closed my eyes so tight. One second, two seconds, three, four, five...what i can't feel anything? I opened one eye, he is still so close, and looking at me with smile? "U can breathe" he said while moving his face, finally i breathed, i wasn't breathing because of how close we were, then he just walked away.....

-two months later-

Me and junhoe become close after what happened i mean now i'm not shy around him anymore.
End pov

Junhoe pov
We r close enough now to been called [friends] not like best friends or [couple], but i admit that i like him,  i feel something different when i'm with him, maybe i just like him like a friend? Or maybe no? I'm just so confused, i need to end it!!

-to: jinhwan-
meet me in the rooftop.

I send him a massage, let's end this junhoe, u can do it.
End pov

Jinhwan pov
I'm going now to the rooftop after i saw junhoe massage, why do i do whatever he ask me, and i'm so happy around him and when i see him or talk to him, i feel something wrong with my heart?......
"Junhoe" i called when i enter the rooftop, "where r y-" he cut me by pulling me and.....wait what? HE IS KISSING ME WTH, i'm frozen, i didn't respond to the kiss our even refuse it, actually i like it. After seconds he moved his lips from mine, why do i feel sad that he end it? "So this is it, this feelings, it's right, i mean... I-i-i L-l" "i like u too, junhoe" WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY, after all i just said what i feel i really like him no " i love u actually" i complete, i can see his face Expressions, he hugged me so tight, "i love u more, hwan-ah, me more"


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