Pancake Flirting // Phil

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So you know how once a guy gets a girlfriend he flirts with her even though they are dating which kinda doesn't make sense to me but I guess kinda have to keep my girlfriend since I live with her now. I walked into the kitchen and gave Alyssa a kiss on the cheek and at that moment I had a joy overload. "Are those pancakes I see, you are officially the best girlfriend a guy could ever have." I said as I hugged her tightly. "Well we started dating at 3 o'clock and now it's quarter of 7 so this is our 3 hour and 45 minute anniversary dinner." Alyssa said as she flipped a pancake and gracefully put it on the large stack of pancakes that she must've been working on for hours since there we're so many on that one plate. "So you expect me to eat all of these?" I asked. She smiled and chuckled. "Of course not, you take what u can eat then I take what I can eat, then the leftovers we can have to for breakfast tomorrow morning, see I have reasons for stuff."

"Well let's chow down." I said. I carefully slid the plate toward Alyssa and I, because we were obviously sitting next to each other. As I slid they plate toward us the pancake on top started to fall. Alyssa tried to stop it but instead she just made it worse and the entire stack fell on the both of us! "Well, that's not what I was expecting." I said trying pick some up but instead I just knocked over the syrup which got on my pants. "Oh Phil let me help." Alyssa said as she grabbed some napkins. But, in her attempt to help me she knocked the syrup on to her shirt, which wasn't the best because the entire syrup bottle had gone down her shirt. "AHHH! NEVER PUT SYRUP IN THE FRIDGE UNLESS U WANT COLD SYRUP DOWN YOUR SHIRT!" she screamed while attempting not to curse.

"Why don't we just clean this up and then clean our self's up, sound good?" I asked as Alyssa got the syrup bottle out've her shirt. "Sure, but let me take a shower and change. And why don't you too." Alyssa answered as she headed toward the bathroom as I headed for my room which by the way is very nice for her just having this random room in her house that I could live in. I decided to change into pajamas so I put on a T shirt and some flannel pajama pants. I headed toward the bathroom to use the toilet, totally forgeting that Alyssa was in the shower. I headed in and turned around to close the door, but before I could turn around all I heard was "PHIL I'M KINDA IN THE BATHROOM AT THE MOMENT! SO DO YOU MIND!?" Alyssa yelled. "SORRY ALYSSA!" I yelled as I ran out've the bathroom.

About a few minutes later Alyssa came out've her room while I was picking up pancakes. She looked at me with somewhat rage and kindness. "Well some of the pancakes can be salvaged." I said trying to lighten the mood. She smiled and started to pick up the pancakes as she hummed a song I didn't know. "Well at least we can still eat some of them and watch movie." Alyssa said as she grabbed a plate from the cupboard and pit the remaining pancakes on it. Then she placed the plate on the coffee table and jumped onto the couch and patted the spot next to her.

She looked so adorable in her oversized sweater and leggings. And the way she put her beautiful blonde hair with blue tips up in a bun looked amazing. It was like she was trying to impress me. "What movie did you want to watch?" she asked looking into my eyes. "Oh...uh... Do you want to watch that new romantic comedy?" I asked. She shrugged and then nodded. As we spent hours trying to find it in the library we then realized it WA still in theaters. "Uh whoops, well that's one night wasted." she said as she scratched the side of her head with the sleeve of her sweater that covered her hands. "Well it's pretty late anyway do we better head to bed." she said as she got up of the couch and came over and kissed the top if my head. "Goodnight Philly." "Goodnight Alyssa."

-3:47 am-

I heard a quiet creak come from my bedroom door, and I looked up to see sleepy Alyssa. She came to the side of my bed and whispered "Phil I can't sleep do you mind if I come and sleep with you or at least until I feel tired?" I smiled and said "Of course sunshine." She hopped up onto my bed and got under the blanket and cuddled up next to me like a baby. Next thing you know she was fast asleep. She started stir a little later that night so I decided to rock her a little. I had a internal war in my head, it went like something like this...SHE'LL WAKE AND SHE'LL BE FURIOUS! Nah I'll rock her a little and she'll be fine. And I ended rockinf her a little and she then was fine again. But then I thought to myself What are you doing rocking your girl friend like a baby, because news flash she isn't one. But I ended up getting enough sleep and having Alyssa by my side might've helped me go to sleep a little better than I thought it would.

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