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A/N- Dumbledore won I think but Gandalf did pretty good lol XD


YOU SHALL NOT PASS! I rap fast like Shadowfax (good try)

Tom Riddle me this, you bitch. How's you're little wand gonna beat my staff?

I leave mics in flames, torched by Gandalf

Touch mine, Dumbledore, and scorch your other hand off

You fool, you got Snaped. You're not a real fighter (good try)

Death makes you die, it just makes my brights brighter!

Your ass is like Gringotts, everyone makes a deposit

We all know you've more than a boggart in your closet


The prophecy forgot to mention this day

When I knocked your ass back to Gandalf the Grey (he wins)

Check your status: they call me headmaster. You're nothing

Nice staff, you compensating for something?

I prefer the company of wizards and I'm proud of it

You try to win your battles with two fat hobbits

You think your hairy-toed friends are gonna harm me?

Wait'll they get a taste of Dumbledore's army (he wins)


Do not take me for some conjuror of cheap tricks

I don't give a Fawkes about your Order of Pheonix

I'll tie a new knot in your beard with your wrinkly balls

For I am the one rapper to rule them all! (good try)


Your spells are a joke, not funny ones either

Mines of Moria? Ha! More like Mind of Mencia! (he wins)

I'll expecto my patronum on your face, you little snitch

And when I'm finished, Imma fly like it's Quidditch  (he wins!)

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