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Danny Pov

I beep my horn and she walks to my car and got in."You look nice tonight." She told me and I turn to face her. Her dark brown eyes were gorgeous and her Afro curls were nice. "Thank. Let's go have some fun. I guess." I said and turn around and drove off.

An hour pass and we're finally here. All I see is lights and rides. This is going to be something. I got out of the car and open the door for her. I turn to see her face looking at the rides and lights. She had the biggest smile on her face and all I could do is smile too. The most unexpected thing happens, my body was in shock mood, she was holding my hand. I look down at our hands together and look back up at her. What is she doing?

I would try to move my hand, but she happy, so I don't want to ruin her night. I let her hold it. She dragged me with her to the front entrance. I paid for the tickets and we were inside the amusement park. I took in the food smell and everything with it. All there was, were sweets, sweets, sweets, and food like hot dogs and sh*t. Kimberly drags us to the roller coaster, the line wasn't that long since it's night time. Not a lot of people were here. It was finally our turn to go in. We had the man the tickets and sat down inside the coaster. That was the first time since we got here, Kimberly's hands weren't on mine. It felt nice when it was, I got used to it.

The man came around and make sure everyone was buckled in and push the button to start the ride. It went up so dawn slow. Like very slow and stop on top of a hill and WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The was a deep drop and it was fast, looping, upside down, hill, and backward. This wasn't a ride an all, it was a death machine. Who made this should die.

"I want to go try that new sweetie pop. Come." Kimberly said while holding my hand again and guiding me to the sweetie place. The place was full of all type of candy. "You want any?" I shook my head and she just smiles and picks up a sweetie pop. Once, she brought it, we got out of the place and head to sit down. We sat down in front of the moon. It was silent for a while, but I broke it. I turn to her and she turns to me with the pop in her mouth. It looks so wrong, but I try not to think that way.


Kimberly Pov

We sat silently in front of the moon. It was nice out and wasn't that much wind. I took in the air and lick my pop. It was so good. I have a really bad sweet tooth. I love sweets, it was my weakness. I felt Danny looking at me from the corner of my eyes and I turn my face slowly towards him.

"So, where are you from?" He asked me

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"So, where are you from?" He asked me. I swallow hard, he had an accent, I never really notice it, until now. He was handsome. I need to get this thought out my head, he's older than me and he tries to kill him, not psychically, but still, he wants to.

"Jam...hmm.. I came from Jamaica. You?"

"Switzerland." Danny was Swinish that cool, far away from home, if you ask me. He smirks and I can see his eyes looking to my lips. What's going on here? This feeling isn't right. I need a plan to. ABANDON ALL SHIPS!!!

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