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Kimberly Pov

No school today, some teacher crap is today. Wednesday wasn't my favorite day, these teachers choose today to give the most work. I drop back in bed thinking of the thought of all this work. I let out a sign and raise myself back up. I didn't want to do work so I turn on my TV and watched Alice in Wonderland. I love this movie, she was a girl stuck in her own dream world. If only I could escape to another place like her. I heard the door open and I know it was my mother, today was Wednesday. I got out of my room and ran down to her. She hugged me and closed the door behind her.

"How have you been Kimie?"

"Fine, nothing much. Same old thing."

"Sounds boring." She chuckled and I did too.

"Yeah, you can say that."

"Sweetie, I just came here to pack my stuff and leave. I have to do overtime, the woman is in the hospital." I nodded and helped her pack her stuff. An hour pass and she place the bags in her car and kiss my forehead and went in the car and drove off.

I love my mom, but she has her times, I want to get rid of her. I needed to learn to live by myself. It felt so weird, but I just trap myself in my room. I think too much, I started to think about Danny. I haven't heard from him since last night. I shake my head of the thought of him and got my bag. I was going to take a walk to the supermarket for fruits.  I love fruits, all of them. I walked in and got myself some apples, grapes, bananas, strawberries, cherries, and mangoes.

I grab my bag from the cashier and started to walk back home. I was listening to much and dancing a little bit to it and I know people much me looking at me weird. I didn't care, this was a good song. I started to move my hips and spin around, I was in front of my house when I heard someone giggling behind me. I turn around in shock, I felt so embarrassed.

When I turn around he was facing front and he closed his eyes while tracing his hand through his hair

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When I turn around he was facing front and he closed his eyes while tracing his hand through his hair. I just stare the whole time. He turns back to me and gave me a little evil smile. "You miss me?"

"Mi..ss you?" I asked confused. He got out of the car and came towards me. I stepped back. Every foot closer he got to me, I took 2 feet back. I was now lean on the door. I couldn't move. He was coming closer. In a quick second, I got the keys from my bag and open the door. I try to close it, but he stopped it with his foot. I step back, while he enters and locks the door behind him. I swallow hard at the thought of what he going to do next.

"You must love fruits?" He smirks while looking down at the bag in my hand. I nodded and headed to the kitchen and he followed. I took out the fruit out the bag and wash them all.

"You want some?" He shook his head and just stare at me with lust in his blue eyes. I went someway and I try not to look at him. I got some grapes and put the rest of the fruits away. I sat next to him and every move I make his eyes follow. I don't know which one is weird, him being here or him watching me? I choose both. I was finished eating my grapes and I got up from the chair and he got up too. He grabs my wrist and pulls mine to him. I was now in front of him. He lifts my head up and I looked him in his blue eyes. It was full of lust. He leans down to my lips and kisses them. It was gentle and  I want you now.

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