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I'm a sucker for country music! I love it sooo much!

Oh and who else just realized that Steven Tyler is just so completely absurd and amazing it's just, AHHH!

I just watched the CMA's so I'm in a bit of a funk right now.

Trust me, I'm a city girl, born and raised in traffic and bright lights at night. But ever since I visited my relatives in the south, I've had an unhealthy obsession with sweet tea and acoustics.

Comment if you're from the south!

One of my favorites! Check it out up top or at the side (/^~^)/*.* it's called "Play it Again"

Sorry for this long a/n! Make sure to vote and comment!


There was a point in my life wherein my right hand had to do the same thing that my left hand was doing, and vice versa. If I didn't do that, it would drive me crazy.

There was also a time in my life that I couldn't let go or throw things away because I feared I would forget about them. I thought that they had feelings just like the toys in Toy Story.

It was hard when I was ten.

I loved my brother. He used to call me "J" and I called him "A" - for Aaron. Though he insisted that it was for grade A-Awesome.

But he left.

Without me.

The way to cope with my brother running away without telling me, and my parents not telling me the real reason why, was speed.

That, or grabbing the nearest punching bag and beat the stuffing out of it. Which at that time was my backpack.

Yeah. I was that kid.

What was I talking about?

Oh yeah. Speed.

I have a knack for anything that requires speed. So for my thirteenth birthday and thanks to a lot of not-so-subtle hints, prayers, and begging, my parents finally bought me a go kart. Which, FYI, I modified so it could fit a lot of people. It probably looks like a golf cart but trust me, it goes way faster.

I felt like I could just drive away from all my problems. I loved it. I love the rush.

And that's probably why I'm in my car hitting my head on the steering wheel.

Dang cars, just MOVE.

Three words: Stuck. In. Traffic.

I'm not in a rush or anything, but I hate traffic. Two cars ahead of me, I saw traffic ease up. Finally, I think. I can go home. But then I see it.

The driver in front of me doesn't move, no. She's too busy DOING HER MAKEUP! Like she couldn't do it the whole frickin' ten minuets we were stuck in the same spot!

But does she stop there? Nooo. She's taking selfies. SELFIES.

She looks at her rear view mirror and sees me glaring at her.

I, Jessica Cassidy Martin, am going to legit get out of this car, grab the driver in front of me by the neck and move the dang car myself if-

"Jess, stop glaring at the poor girl or she's gonna have a heart attack," Austin says.

"If by that, you mean me attacking her heart then sure," I grumble.

"Well, if you're gonna be like that then we should taken the metro." He says.

"I bought this car. I'm gonna use this car. If you want to take the metro, sure. But I'm not wasting money because of STUPID DIRECTIONALLY CHALLENGED AND EASILY DISTRACTED DRIVERS!"

Finally, the stupid car starts moving and the traffic starts to ease up.

"Oh look. We're moving! See? No need to hurt the poor girl right Jess?" Austin says beside me. I think I haven't introduced Austin yet, so let me give you a little background.

Y'know that guy in your class who keeps on annoying the teacher? I mean, you obviously see that the teacher isn't exactly the happiest poop on the sidewalk. And if you irritate the beast, the beast will give you a ten minute lecture about the importance of respect to your teachers, which is true because they make an effort to help you have a brighter future.

But we just want to go to lunch, man.

Nope. The kid'll just keep talking and talking and talking until the teacher gives up or someone puts them in a chokehold because they just want to go to lunch!

Well, that kid who keeps talking is Austin Michels.

And the person that puts them into a chokehold is me. Your friendly neighborhood choke holder.

I turn on the radio to ease my fury and immediately, I regret my decision.

"THIS IS MY JAM!" Austin screams, making me flinch.


"Oh my gosh Austin! Could you not?" I whine.

Getting sick of it, I change the station.

But that only makes him grin wider. And then I hear it, that familiar bass beat that triggers endless singing and dancing.

Good bye, cruel world, I'm about to give in to the power of catchy songs.

Cue dance party.

"OH NO SEE YOU WALKING ROUND LIKE ITS A FUNERAL!" Oh don't look at me like that, this is gonna be stuck in your head too!

We have our windows rolled down and once we reach a stop sign, I look to my right and see people at the park actually singing along to the song!

Ah, if only YMCA was playing right now...

"Hey Jess?" Austin muses when he sees that his annoyingness has no effect on me anymore.

"Yeah?" I ask, making a turn, toward the street where my house is.

"What do you think about the holes popping up around the city?" He asks as we stop in front of my house.

"I don't know," I say truthfully. "It's weird. But I'm sure it's nothing. Maybe it's a giant mole who wants to eat the city."

"Yeah no biggie. " he says, playing along.

He looks wistfully at my house. I know he loves it because of the surround sound that echoes throughout the house.

"Dance party first though, right?" He asks.

I give him a look. "Duh." I say as I get out of my car.

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