Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Rosie's POV:

I sat there, mesmerized by his beautiful eyes. Then he looked away. I blinked, shocked as I saw the sun start to come over the horizon. Crap! I had to go! I looked around for a way to escape without them seeing. Ugh! What had I gotten myself into. I shifted back into a wolf, for it would disguise me better and help me melt into the shadows. 'Go check ahead,' my mate commanded the others,'i'll stay here and see if she's here.' 

My heart beat sped up. Oh god. I quietly jumped onto a lower branch as the others ran on. I landed with a muted 'thump'. Shit. He looked up at me and sat down. 'Come!' he ordered softly. 

I fixed my gaze on the next branch before jumping onto it, until I reached the lowest one. I hesitated for a second. It was a good 5 meters to the ground. I bunched my muscles and jumped. I looked over to my mate and saw that he was a good distance away. I made a split second decision, and bolted away from him. I didn't need a mate. I could take care of myself fine. Besides, if he was my true mate, I would have to leave my parents and go live with him. I heard him catching up with me, so I pushed harder in a desperate attempt to get away. I couldn't hear him anymore. He has jumped, I realized and leapt sideways. He landed with a thump, exactly where I was a second ago. He tackled me. As I landed on the ground, I twisted  round so that I would land on my back. He landed on top of me. I started struggling. He growled and grabbed my neck in his jaws. I immediately froze. He let go if my throat and licked my nose. 'I just need to go home.' I whimpered as the sun rose. He looked confused, and a little hurt. 

'Shift.' he commanded. 

I glared at him for a second before shifting. He shifted also. I took him in for a moment. He had jet black hair, tanned skin and golden eyes with a tint of brown. He gazed at me also. 'What pack are you from?' he asked, still in alpha mode. 

'No pack.' I declared proudly, tilting my chin up in defiance. 

He looked shocked. 'n-no pack?' he stuttered,'you mean your a rogue?' 

I glared at him.'Loner,' I corrected him,' I'm a loner, not a rogue. Now,' I continued. 'if you wouldn't mind I would like to go home before my parents wake up.' 

He stared at me. 'You must be the new family that moved into the little cottage. I'll take you there. But first,' his voice suddenly got huskier. 'I have to mark my mate. Don't worry, it won't hurt for long.'

I shivered. Mark me? What did he - oh my god! Ouch! He had pulled the sleeve of my left arm down and bitten me! I moaned in pain. I felt his teeth sink deeper. Then he extracted them and licked the spot, that was going to be permanent.  'Mine.' he growled.

I suddenly pushed him off of me and straddled him, led by some unknown instinct. I pushed his right sleeve down. I felt my teeth turn into my wolf teeth. I bit down on his shoulder. I kept biting down until it felt I was deep enough. I heard him moan and I smirked lightly. Then I pulled back and licked the spot. 'Mine.' I stated. 'Now, take me home!' I demanded. 

I got off him and he chuckled as I crossed my arms over my chest. He stood up and stepped over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist, tugging me closer to him. I leant against him for a moment before pulling away. He started walking, dragging me with him. He made me feel safe; protected, as if as long as he was here nothing bad could happen. Stupid, I know. I looked at my shoulder to see if it was bleeding, and when I found no mark at all, I realized I must be dreaming. As soon as I realized it, I woke up. I lifted my head and looked around. I was in my wolf form, a large boulder with a small dent in front of me. Judging from my sore head, I had ran into the boulder and been knocked unconscious. And it was such a good dream to! I sighed and stood up, following my scent trail home.

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