Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Rosie POV:

The wolf was silent for a few moments, before twitching one silver ear. 'I am Ranch, I am alpha of the Sub-West pack. I come in peace. Please, I wish to speak with you about urgent matters.' he spoke in a gravelly voice, his ears flicking in urgency. 

For some reason, my wolf was telling me not to trust him. I scanned his expression carefully. They were blank of all emotions except anxiousness. My tail tip flicked suspiciously. He was definitely hiding something. 'Amos,' I breathed in his ear, ‘I don't trust him. He could be lying or...'

He turned on me, eyes flashing. 'Don't be ridiculous, Rose! If he says he's an alpha, then I believe him!' he snarled in a whisper. 

I took a step back. 'You would take the word of a stranger over the word of your mate? I see how it is, where I stand with you.' I snarled. I snapped my teeth at him as he stepped forward. 'Rose...’

'No! I will not be squashed as easily as that! Do not expect to see me again!' I snapped. 

With that, I turned and fled into the bushes. What. A. Bastard. I'll show him I'm right!  


I stalked silently through the bushes, my black coat blending in well in the darkness of the night. It had been a week since my argument with Amos. I had avoided him at all costs. "Ranch" padded confidently along in front of me. I doubt he knew I had been following him all week. I still had my suspicions about him, but he hadn't done anything yet. My ear twitched. I was being followed. Oh shoot. Four of them. Very large, probably males, by the sounds of it. I barely had time to process that I had walked into an ambush before they all pounced on me. I snarled, wiggling and clawing as I tried to escape. 'You think I didn't realize you were following me, watching my every move, since I got here. Yes, I am not an alpha. But my name is Ranch.' he said, circling me, eyes brimming with contempt. 'You’re a smart little bitch, aren't you? You suspected me from the moment I saw you. How thick your mate is, I don't think it even has a word for it. It even goes past mentally retarded. Hmph. He will be dealt with soon enough, then his pack shall be mine! Deal with her!' he snapped at the wolves on me. 

I was beyond enraged. How DARE he insult my mate! I clawed, bit and kicked with all my might. Flinging off the large male wolves and sending them fleeing into the night. No one is a match for a pissed off alpha female. I leapt at Ranch and clawed him till he begged for mercy. I tore a chunk out of his ear. 'You will never forget me. Never mess with me or my pack again Ranch!' I snarled in his ear. Then I stepped off of him and watched him flee across the border. I howled my victory to the sky. Then I raced to a stream and splashed as I cleaned myself of my enemy's blood. I only had two wounds, I was proud to see. One on each flank. I got out of the stream, shook myself dry and curled up in a ball to sleep. 


I woke at sunrise, still feeling smug and elated at my easy victory. I raced home and quickly got ready for school. I found out that Amos was a year above me, so we didn't have any classes together. 

I ran to school and practically skipped up the stairs. I was extremely early, only two cars were here. Nothing could spoil my good mood, though. I saw Amos leaning against his locker, surrounded by a few of his friends. He had dark sunnies on, but I could feel him watching me. 'I wonder where Ranch disappeared to last night, he hasn't returned yet...' one of his friends mused as I approached. 

I suppressed my grin. I skipped up to Amos' side a stretched on my tippy toes to press and kiss to his cheek. 'Morning,' I sang, grinning. 

His arm snaked around my waist, pressing me against his side. 'Mmm, you're in a good mood this morning, what happened?' he murmured softly, arching one eyebrow at me, a slight smile on his gorgeous face. 

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