Chapter 12: How?

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I have no idea what just happened.

It appeared as though Moody was about to tell me something, but he just said, "You are doing really well in my class." Then he told me to leave.


I am so confused right now.

Which defiantly contributes to the fact that I am skipping the rest of my classes today to just sit with my notebook spread out in front of my on my bed and try to figure out what had happened.

Observations of Moody:
-He knows my name, and nick name.
-His voice changed once
-His face transformed or something once
-He's obviously hiding something
-He knows me
-He uses the imperious curse on children

I am just so confused right now. What did he have to say to me? Why didn't he? I've never been this confused in my life!

Swearing under my breath, I squish my face into my pillow, as if the soft cotton will increase my chances of figuring out the secrets of Mad-Eye Moody.


"Oi Rose!" George calls to me. It's the first task, and I'm trying to find a seat. I was going to sit next to Esther, but she was sitting next to her boyfriend.

I'm not too sure if Esther likes me. I mean, I consider her to be my best friend, because I hate everyone and everyone hates me. To Esther, I'm probably just that girl that follows her around everywhere.

"Yes Weasley?" I groan as I walk over to him. He's standing next to his twin, who's glaring at me, and three other people. Two of them seem to be of an African decent, and are George's age. The other boy I recognize as Colin Creevey, one of the mudbloods that was petrified in our second year, when the Chamber Of Secrets was opened.

I remember how scared I was when that happened. Though I hated my father, I still begged him to let me go home. He refused.

"Wanna sit with us?" He motions to the seat to the left of him.

I shrug. "Why not?" I plop next to him, and eagerly look at the arena. I can only see a golden egg-like thing shining in the distance.

"You're in a good mood today." George notes. I roll my eyes. As if. I'm never in a good mood....well, I actually kinda am. It's the first task after all. "So, who's your money on?"

I look at him. "I'm not going to bet, if that's what you're suggesting."

"Come on Rose!" He pleads, batting his eyelashes and his lip curled out in an attempt to make me feel bad and give in. "Just one Galleon. Pretty please!"

I raise my eyebrow. "Is that what it will cost to make you shut up?" He nods eagerly. "Fine. My bet's on Fleur."

"Harry, obviously." He puts out his right hand. I shake it firmly.

"Oh it is on, Weasley."

"And first up, Cedric Diggory!" The announcer (my dad, of course, because life sucks) announces to the crowd. A cheering rises, followed by Cedric walking out into the arena.

Before I know what's happening, a loud 'roar!' fills the air. I whip my head around, to be staring right at a dragon. A dragon.

A fire breathing dragon.

A FIRE breathing dragon. As the crowd erupts into cheers, I just stare. Why am I staring?! It's fire. F-I-R-E!

Though I wish I could look away, I appear to be in some sort of trance. I can't watch Cedric. Only the dragon. It shoots a couple flames near the stand.

That's when I finally turn away.

As everyone else squeals a bit. before settling down again. They continue watching Cedric (hopefully) die. But not me.

I close my eyes, and will for it to go away. But it doesn't.

Though I refuse to open my dark brown eyes, I can still hear the dragons roar breaths of fire, and a sound that sounds somewhat similar to a...dogs bark? Odd, but I chose to ignore it. I have bigger things on my mind.

Or shall I say, things on my mind that I am trying to push out of my memory. Though that will never happen.

"Rose, are you okay?" George (or what sounds like George) asks, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nod, trying to symbol that I am fine.

I'm not. But it's better that George doesn't need to know that. It's none of his business.

"Come on Crouch." Grumbles a voice much less soothing that Georges from behind me. Wait...did I just think that George's voice soothing?! What is going on with me? George is an annoying, stupid, brainless, boy and will always remain that way. "Let's go." The same voice says.

Only then do I open my eyes. I jump a bit when I see that I am face-to-face with none other than Mad-Eye Moody. He tugs on my arm, like silently demanding me to get up.

Reluctantly, I follow him, getting confused looks thrown at me from George. Everyone else was too enthused in the task to notice.

Crap. I had my mind off of the fire for a moment, but oh, no, I just HAD to think about it again. Good going Rose.

Wait....did I just call myself Rose? What is happening to me?

Moody leads me out of the stands, around the Hogwarts grounds, eventually landing near the Black Lake. "Wh-why are we here?" I stutter finally, breaking the silence that had loomed over us.

"I thought I should get you out of there before you lost it." He explains. What? Does he know....?

"And why would I loose it?" I ask in a rather rude tone, crossing my arms, deciding to play dumb.

Moody looks at me, obviously annoyed. "I'm not draft Crouch. I saw you during the task."

"And why, out of all the students in Hogwarts, were you looking at me?" I demand. "Why not, oh, I don't know, Cedric Diggory? How do you know my name? Why are you so interested in me? How do you know me? And why whenever I get close to getting answers out of you do you always chicken out?"

Moody groans. "Cass, can't you just accept the fact that I know you and MOVE ON?!"

"No! I want answers!" I look him straight in the eyes, though I have to tilt my head up a bit.

"Look, I just saved you from thinking about the fire. Why do you need answers?" He huffs, as he avoids looking into my eyes, by continuing to speed-walk. For a guy with a cane, he's pretty fast.

I jog to keep up with him. "HOW do you know about the fire?"

He stops dead in his tracks, and looks me straight in the eye. "I know everything about you Crouch. I know more than you know about yourself. I know the exact moment you were born. I know about your half brother. I know that you hate your father more than anything." He takes a deep breath. "I know that you're terrified of fire, and I know why."

I just stand there, trying to process what he had just said. He knew about the fire! After just standing for about 10 minutes, I ask, "How?"

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