Triple Six's POV.
I sit down at the patio table in the front of the restaurant, I take out a cigar and a flask with scotch in it and sigh as I put my face cloaking back on. It barely even changes my facial features but I kinda like it that way. I pull out a match and strike it against the table to light it, I light the cigar and take a large inhalation. Two motorcycles pull up into the parking lot just in front of my patio table. The fist bike was holding a male agent and a young girl. I could see the mans gun tucked away in his belt, the second bike held a well figured woman. She hopped off the bike and peeled off the helmet, I coughed when I seen her beautiful face. Agent Six. She was wearing all black and her leather jacket was unzipped just enough so you could see a little cleavage and part of her breast plate.
"Aw shit!" The male agent I assumed was agent Zero exclaimed while patting himself down. "I forgot my wallet..." I chuckled as Agent Six ran a hand through her hair and groaned particularly loudly.
"Seriously! Great now I'm gonna have to jack one!" I cleared my throat getting both their attention.
"There's no need fur steelin', agent six, take my wallet, get whatever you need." I take wallet out of my back pocket and toss it at her. She catches it and looks and me confused for a moment.
"Who are you and what do you want from me?" I smile and take another draw on my cigar.
"I'm Agent Three-Six, and I want nothin' from you, I just want to help you... I've heard the CSA is sendin' my brother to collect your bounty..." Six hands the wallet to Zero and he walks in the restaurant with their daughter after Six gives him an unreadable look. Six narrows her eyes at me and sits down at the table in front of me uninvited.
"help me how?" She asks looking me over carefully.
"I know how he fights, I know all his weaknesses, I know him Six." Six chuckles and pulls her gun on me.
"If Triple Six is really your brother than how can I trust you?" I smile as I take a sip of scotch from my flask and another draw from my cigar.
"Because he's hunting me to, and when he comes we both need to be ready." I smile more brightly as I see my deception is working. Boy this girl is stupid... I thought and she nodded and put her gun away.
"Alright... Do you have a place to stay?" My smile fades and I shake me head.
"No, I've just been hangin' around here and there..." That's painfully true, the agency couldn't afford to rent me a hotel room up here and I sure as hell ain't payin' four hundred dollars a week. I thought as Six gave me a sweet smile.
"I have an extra room in the safe house if you would like to stay with us... That way we can train harder with the SIM." I raise an eyebrow.
"That would be alright with me... And what's a SIM?" Six smiles brightly as she pulls out a small device and sticks it to my temple. When it turns on I see myself standing beside me, I smile and look the SIM over. "That's so cool..." I say turning it off and handing it back to Six.
"It's cool until you realize he's an asshole, and it actually hurts when he punches you..." I chuckle and take another sip of my scotch. Zero returned shortly after with a tray full of burgers in one hand and his daughter in the other. I force a smile as I look at them, you could tell she was a daddy's girl. She looked just like Zero but cuter and smaller. It's a shame, the kid won't have anywhere to go when I'm done with her parents.... I thought as I took a draw of my cigar.

Agent Six (the sequel to patient six)Where stories live. Discover now