Six's POV
Triple Six through me to the floor of the cellar and locked the cage door before I could even get back to my feet. I chuckle as he leaves and I open my hand to reveal a jackknife in the palm of my hand. I pull out my lucky lock pick and get up off the floor, I was about to start jimmying the lock but I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I quickly hide my lock pick and the jackknife. The cellar door slams open and Zero angrily slams it back shut behind him before storming over to the cage door, I walk over slowly and place a hand on one of the steel bars. When Zero finally looks up at me all I could see was pure rage on his face, I harden my gaze to a more unreadable look as I glance down at his shoulder. He was no longer wearing a shirt and he had been bandaged sloppily, he had already bled through the bandages and when I look back up at him to make eye contact he looked pained.
"You have no idea what i've been through trying to get you to remmeber... but this has gone on far enough... you think after two failed attemps i would finally have the information i need to finish this mision but no, you can remmeber everything but that fucking device!" i flinch as he clocks the bars just to the right of me, i give him a confused/frightened look.
"Device?" i ask hesitantly steping away from the bars of the cage.
"The Telekinetic Device, its technically three diffrent parts, two mteal wrist braclets and a brain senser that you stick to your temple. Ring any bells?" i shake my head and sigh.
"It sounds cool tho, did you make it? It sounds like somethinmg you would make..." Zero luaghs sarcasticaly.
"No, you made it..." i freeze for a moment and shake my head.
"i dont recall inventing something like that, in fact i've never invented a-" Zero cuts me off and pulls out his phone, he clicks the screen and hands me the phone through the bars.
"Play the video, it might jog your memory." i look down at the screen and press the play button and as soon as i see my own face and the metal wrist braclets i was shot into a memory.

Zero was gave me the okay that he had started the video. I gave my best proud smile as I lifted my arms.
"These are the telekinetic hand motion sensory bracelets and this is the brain scanner that genially tells the bracelets the item, person or element I want to control! Here I have an ordinary spoon..." I say holding up a spoon and dropping it to the ground. Without another word I wave my hand over the spoon and it starts to levitate it the air.

All at once the memories of my Device begins rolling in and I put a hand to my head as the most important memory plays on my mind like a movie. Were I hid the device...

Agent Six (the sequel to patient six)Where stories live. Discover now