Zeros POV
I walk out of the bathroom and shut the door tightly behind me Triple Six stood just outside the door leaned against the wall.
"She's fallin' for it..." He says, I smile and nod.
"Yeah, you watch her while I'm gone, I'm gonna go check in with Five." Triple Six nods and I walk through the hallway past the kitchen and outside. I hop on my motorcycle and put my helmet on.
Soon after I arrived at CSA HQ. I move shadily through the halls until I spot Twelve and Twenty-two(Dr Cantors).
"Hey Twelve, have you seen Five?" Twelve smiles brightly.
"He's with Ninety-nine at the moment you'll have to wait..." I nod and start walking to Ninety-Nines office. Half way there I run into Five.
"Any updates?" He asks I chuckle and shrug.
"She's falling for the plan but she doesn't remember everything yet..." Five sighs and runs a hand through his hair.
"She can't remember the telekinetic device yet?" I shake my head and sigh.
"I've been trying to spark her memory of her fight with Triple Six but it's not working without the device... She still thinks that you don't know the nuke codes... She's stuck..." Five groans and face palms himself.
"That was over a year ago! She needs to remember where that device is now! Speed things up!" I nod and walk away.

Back at the safe house I pull Triple Six aside. He turns his face cloak off as we step outside.
"Change of plans, Six can't remember the fight, so we need her to remember where she put the device now. Any ideas?" Triple Six shakes his head.
"No, I can't think of anything..." The door swung open and Six stepped outside. Six freezes when her eyes meet Triple Six's she quickly pulls her gun and steps in front of me.
"Six put the gun down." I say putting a hand on her shoulder, she falters a little but keeps her gun pointed at Triple Six.
"No fucking way I'm putting my gun down this ass hat will kill us all!" Triple Six chuckles and steps forward.
"Believe me sweet heart, if I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already. Put the gun down."  Six shakes her head and lowers the gun slightly. But unexpectedly she spins around and points the gun at me.
"You tell me what the fuck is going on here!" Her hand shakes slightly as she presses it against my shoulder. Triple Six grabs her and knocks the gun out of her hand but she pulls the trigger just as the gun flys out of her hand. I flinch as searing pain shoots through my shoulder.
"Aw fuck, she shot me!" I grab my shoulder quickly as it starts to bleed.
"Let go of me!" Six struggled with Triple Six for a moment before anger shot through me.
"Put her in the cage in the cellar, now!" I order Triple Six. He nods and starts dragging her inside.

Sorry this is getting confusing guys!

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