Chapter 13

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Megan POV

      The next couple of days have been amazing with Tyler he is such an amazing guy to me, it feels really good to be in a relationship where I don't have to hide it. It was really weird when I told Keaton about us he didn't seem too happy about it, but it doesn't matter what he thinks, Keaton and I are done.

    I was over at Robin place, I still needed her help with this whole finding my dad thing. We were on our laptops trying to find out some things. "Your mom hasn't used her Facebook in 3 years" Robin said, "I know I've been through her friends list like 10 times and I can't make a match" I said, "Maybe he isn't her friend" she said, "I'm guessing we have to look somewhere else" I said, "Like where?" she ask, "My brother I need to talk with him" I said.

   "Do you think he knows anything?" she ask, "Well he is in New York trying to find her maybe if he does I can get some answer or something" I said, "I guess are you still sure you want this?" she said, "Yes Robin I need to know the truth" I said, "Okay, well I am still happy to help" she said. I smiled.

   I got a text message from Tyler, I smiled all big. "Let me guess Tyler" she said, "Yeah" I said, "You really are happy with him, I can see it" she said, "I am, I really like him" I said, "What does he want?" she ask, "Asking what time I will be home, I guess we are done here for now" I said, "Go on see your boy toy, and tell him what we got so far" she said, "Actually he doesn't know I am looking for my dad, only you" I said, "Megan, I thought no more secrets" she said, "I know, I know, but this isn't such a big thing, I don't want everyone to know what we are doing" I said, "Okay, okay but have you at least told him about the Keaton thing" she said.

  "No I haven't" I said, I don't want to tell Tyler how I thought I was in love with Keaton. "Why?'' she ask, "Because it might be more drama and I swore never to bring it up again to anyone" I said, "Megan all I am saying that it is better if Tyler hears from you than Keaton" she said, I hated when Robin was right, I think I do have to tell Tyler before Keaton opens his big mouth.

   "You are right, I should tell him" I said, "When aren't I right" she said, we laughed; I hugged her and walked out skateboarding to Tyler place. I got to his place, I went to his room he was playing video games. "Dude you suck at this game" I said, "Hey you" Tyler said he stood up coming over to me hugging me really tight, "Can't breathe" I said, "Don't want to let go though" he said, I laughed, "Tyler" I was laughing. He let go and kissed me. "How is my girl?" he ask, he is so cute.

    "I'm good" I said, I sat on his bed, he sat next to me holding my hand, "So I guess Keaton, Taylor, Wesley and KyLee are going on this double date and they want us to come" he said, “Yeah we can go, where are we going through?" I ask, "The street fair, Keaton wants us to meet them there" he said, I was quite I thought this could be my chance to tell Tyler the truth.

   "Tyler I have to be honest with you" I said, "What's going on?" he ask, "Just hear me out please and don't get upset" I said, "Just tell me" he said, "Okay, when I broke up with Troy, I thought I was in love Keaton and I was going to tell everyone but Taylor said she liked him and I didn't want to step in and I told Keaton how I felt and he felt the same way and we kissed, but he liked Taylor also and got me all confused on his feeling and mine, that's why I was so down those days but I realized that Keaton is just a friend and only a friend" I said.

   "Are you sure you guys are just friends?" he ask, "Yes, just friends I like you and only you" I said, "So that's why you were so down because of Keaton and you guys would sneak around" he said, "Yeah to hide from Taylor, I felt bad though, a horrible friend" I said, "You weren't a horrible friend Meg you can't control your feeling for someone, you probably should have told her" he said, "I should have, but wait you don't care" I said.

    "No I mean this was before us, as long as there nothing going on with him then I am okay" I said, I was so happy that Tyler wasn't upset with me, I thought he was going to be.

    "I thought you were going to be upset me" I said, "I couldn't" he said he kissed my head. "You have to tell Taylor though"

    "No, no, no, no I will not do that I am telling no one else" I said, "Wait who else knows?" he ask, "Well Robin was the first person she knew everything, and Drew basically forced it out of me and then you and beside Keaton should tell her not me" I said, "Eventually she will know" he said, "Let's hope not now" I said, we laughed.

   "Just don't tell Keaton about this, I really don't want to bring it up" I said, "Of course" he said.

   Tyler so understands with this, I am glad I did tell him. I thought would Keaton tell Taylor? Or would he just keep it a secret.

   "You are so pretty" he said, I smiled so big. "You know how to make me smile Tyler" I said, we kissed. "So is that a yes on going tonight?" he asks, "Yeah why not, I will ask Robin and Drew if they want to come" I said. This is so good, I feel so much better now that I told Tyler.

    Text message to Robin: Hey I told Ty it went all good(: We are going to street fair, come with us tag Drew along!

     Text message from Robin: Yay!! Knew it would be all good and yes Drew and I will come along! See you tonight baby(:

    "Robin and Drew going to come with us?" Tyler ask, "Yes they are coming, we have a while till then" I said, he pulled me in closer to him holding me, "I could just hold you here till we have to go" he said, "I just might like that" I said, "I like holding my girl like this" he said.

   "You are too cute" I said, he kissed my head and was kissing my cheek all funny, I was laughing, he was like attacking my face with his lips. "Tyler stop" I was laughing, "What you don't like this" he said, he kept doing it, I was laughing so hard, "Tyler I am going to kill you" I yelled.

    "Okay I will stop" he said, I kissed him, I grad my phone, "Come here I want a picture" I said, "No pictures!" he joked, "Yes please" I said, "Fine" he said, I took a cute one of us smiling and another one with him kissing my cheek. "See was that so hard" I said, "It was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life” he joked.

    "Oh shut up" I said, we kissed again, "I like kissing you" he said, "I guess I like kissing you to" I said I stuck my tongue out at him, he did the same thing. "Get off my bed" he joked pushing me off. I stood up, "Rude" I said, we laughed. I posted the picture of us on Instagram, with the caption saying “He makes me smile♥"

    "Come here" he said, "I'm not a dog" I said, "Here now" he joked, "Tyler" I said, he laughed.

    I saw a comment from Keaton saying "You guys do make a good couple" I just stared at the comment, "What's wrong?" Tyler ask, I looked at him, "Nothing" I said, I just put my phone away, and sat on the bed and he pulled me in closer to him.

   "Want to watch a movie before we go?" he ask, "Sure we can watch anything" I said, "Sweet I am picking" he said, he got up setting it up on his TV, I wonder if Keaton really meant for what he said, I hope he did, I am happy with this goof ball, he is best.

   He came over to me holding me in the bed and we were watching a movie. I love this cuddling him, it was so perfect. Our relationship was so good right now, I couldn't be happier with Tyler.

    Chapter 13!!!!! Things are going good with Megan and Tyler(:

    Sorry I haven't been updating Ive been trying so hard!!! College is hard like no joke lol

   But this weekend I am going to see my best friend in Washington and on Tuesday we are meeting Emblem3!!! YAY!!!:D I AM SO EXCITED!!

  But anyways hope you like this chapter it was basically about Tyler and Megan relationship, keeping voting!!(:

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