Happy 3oth

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                              Jasmine's pov.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Jasmine. Happy birthday to you." I blew out the candles making a wish sub consciously. I turned to face all of the people who came to visit me on my thirtieth birthday.

"Thank you all for coming." I watched as a giant Afro weaved its way through the crowd. Soon me and my husband were face to face.

"Happy thirtieth birthday Jazzy."He kissed me on the cheek. "Here I got you something." He handed me a small rectangular package. I tore the packaging off and inside of it was a small black case. I opened the case to reveal a diamond encrusted gold necklace with a heart shaped pendant. "My best friend, my love, my everything" was engraved on the front of the pendant .

"Well?" Huey asked expectantly.

"Oh my god Huey it's gorgeous. Where did you find the money to buy something like this?"

"I just got off the phone and the news just came in."

"What news?"

"You are looking at the new senator of Maryland."

"Ahhhhhhhh, Huey are you serious?" I screamed making everyone cover there ears.

"Do I ever joke?"

"No, certainly not. But oh my god Huey that's terrific."

"Looks like all that hard work paid off." Everyone began clapping as I smashed my lips against Huey's. He placed his hand over my bulging stomach protectively. As we ended our kiss everyone departed continuing the festivities. Cindy approached us gun walking. Cindy's my best friend but seriously? She's twenty eight years old and she's still obsessed with that gangster life.

"Yo jazzy, what up mchater."

"Hello Cindy." Huey stated plainly obviously not thrilled to see my best friend.

"How's little Malcolm in there?" She knocked on my stomach making Huey cringe.

"Oh he's doing well. I'm almost seven months now."

"Well I can't wait to see my nephew."  Riley said walking behind Cindy groping her butt. To many's surprise Riley was doing fairly well in as an adult. He started his own sports shop which is fairly successful. He gets a run in with the cops now and then but for the most part Riley's done some maturing although he still uses thug slang like his soon to be wife.

"Yo Hue you gonna be a congressman and shit?"

"Yah why?"

"Can you like legalize bud and shit?"  Huey pinched the bridge of his nose.

"No Riley I'm not going to vote to legalize marijuana."

"What, come on Huey don't be a little bitch."

"I refuse to further the stereotypes of all blacks loving weed."

"Awe yous a bitch."

"Listen if you avoid getting arrested for like a year then I'll consider it."

"If police got a problem with me being a real nigga then that's they problem."

"Seriously Riley I had to call in a lot of favors lay time you got arrested."

"Ok whatever nigga." Huey groaned angrily.
Thankfully Riley left to grab a beer before things got heated.

"So why did you guys name the lil nigga Malcolm?"

"I don't have a say? Heuy said that we're naming him Malcolm and that's that."

"Why you got a stick up yo ass Huey? Let your girl name the baby."

"She can name the next one!" Huey said sternly. He told me he felt strongly about naming our first born but I didn't think he'd be so defensive over it.

"Damn hue you need to chill out."

"Sorry it's just a fathers always protective about his first born."

"Ight well I better go make sure reezy ain't hitting on no bitches." Huey laced his finger though mine and brought my hand to his face pecking it.

"Well someone's feeling romantic today."

"Yah we haven't had our marital's since we found out you were pregnant."

"Well I told you that sex during pregnancy is good for the baby."

"Ehhh Yah I know but I don't think it's exactly ideal."

"Uhhh huh okay I see how it is. You don't want to do me because I'm getting fat." My eyes began watering. My hormones are getting out of control.

"Jasmine you know better than that." Huey stated plainly. If I didn't want to have sex with you then I wouldn't have married you." I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Yah yah I know it's just these stupid hormones are making me all emotional."

"It's okay come on let's go join the party."
He dragged me by the hand but fell face first into the floor. I laughed hysterically.

"Are you okay honey?"

"Yah, that was weird."

"You trip over your own feet or something."

"Nah my legs just kinda gave out on me."

"Hmmm why do you think that happened?" He got up and brushed himself off.

"I'm just a little fatigued I guess."

"Oh okay then." Him falling so clumsily is out out of character. I didn't want to bring up the subject after he's shrugged it off. The party continued as normal. People told me happy birthday, I opened gifts, talked about the baby and Huey's election. I loved spending time with friends and family but a pregnant women can only take so much. Later that night after the party was over me and Huey were laying in bed. He was massaging my swollen feet, not much talking was going on but one subject in particular was bothering me.

"Huey do you think I'm pretty." He looked at me angrily.

"Why are asking dumb questions?"

"It's not dumb." He crawled over me and stared  deep into my eyes. I felt his breathe on my face.

"Don't ever ask something dumb like that again!"

"Ok." I responsed afraid. He planted a kiss on my lips. Suddenly he grabbed both of my and forced them above my head. He pulled a pillow from its case and used the case to tie my hands together.

"Hue-Huey what are you doing?"

"You were wondering if I still wanted to have sex with you or not?"


"Well here's your answer."

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