The New Freeman

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                                 Huey's pov.
I tried my best to keep a cool head as my wife screamed loudly in her hospital bed. She gripped my hand so tightly that I feared it would break, but I didn't care very much when the heat of the moment came. The nurses pushed her into the labor room and I followed. For hours it was nothing but piercing screams and doctors telling me what to do. Anxiety ran wild through my mind, so many scenarios of error. I've heard so many stories of mothers passing away while giving birth.

What if the baby turns out with some life altering condition like Down syndrome or jaundice so many possibilities of things going wrong. I sympathized for my wife, child birth is one of the most painful things a women can endure. Even though I truly sympathize for Jasmine, the pain is but temporary and a small price to pay for our reward. I felt as if my heart was sinking through my chest with each painful moan. The nurse approached me with an anxious look.

"Mr.Senator I'm going to need you to stand in the corner of the room and please do not interfere with the operation."

"I can't hold her hand?" I asked disappointed.

"I'm sorry but the team needs as much space to work as possible." I did as requested even though I wasn't very happy about it. I paced back and forth and the back of the room while Jasmine was giving birth. I watched in terror as the baby began canalling out, stretching my wife's genitals to new extents. The doctor pulled the baby out and cries filled the room. Jasmine breathed heavily as her work had finally paid off. I rushed to her bed side and grabbed her hand.

"Are you ok?"

"Yah I'm just really really tired."

"Well why don't you take a nap and I'll tend to the baby."

"Are you kidding me? I'm going to hold my child before I do anything and that's that." I chuckled at her sassiness.

"Ok fine, but I call next." I kissed her passionately as our child's cries filled the air. "I'm guessing no sex for awhile?"

"Ohhh helllll no. You even touch me down there and I'll break your hand." I smirked and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Good job baby."  The doctor cleared his throat next to the bed.

"You have visitors outside. Should I let them in?"

"Yes and will you let me hold my child please."

"Of coarse mem." The doctor handed the baby to Jasmine and opened the door. We sat there admiring the baby's features. He had clean colored mocha colored skin, with green eyes. He had a large amount of hair for a new born covering the majority of his head. His features resembled me but you could tell he was a gentle soul like Jasmine.

"Awwww shit girl he's adorable." Our friends poured into the room lining up one by one next to Jasmine's bed side. Tom and Sarah walked into the room slowly as if they were afraid of seeing us. They're eyes lit up at the sight of they're new grandchild. It seemed everyone was here from Caesor to Hiro but I still felt as if there was a void that couldn't be filled.

"Me and jasmine are grateful to you all for coming." Caesor was the first one to step forward. It felt good to see Caesar once again, our friendship had taken a setback ever since we left college. He had taken a job over seas as a domestic affairs official. Since my job requires little traveling, me and him aren't in contact as much as I would like.

"That's a good looking kid."

"Thank you Michael."

"Hey there little Malcolm." He began tickling the baby's stomach with his point finger and making funny faces. I felt a twinge of pain in my neck as if someone had poked a needle through it, then without any suddle warning the pain shot through my entire neck. I felt as if a branding iron had been pressed firmly to the back of my neck. I didn't say anything afraid of ruining the moment but I was secretly in pain. I didn't have to try hard to hide it with everyone completely focused on our new son.

"May I hold our child please?" I asked softly.
Jasmine nodded and handed me our new son. At first I was terrified of dropping him or accidentally squeezing him to tight. I cradled him and rocked him back and forth gently. His eyes lit up curiously and reached up for my head. I put my head down letting him touch whatever he wanted even though it hurt my neck m. He grabbed a chunk of my Afro and pulled it.

"Owe!" The baby laughed and everyone else followed suit. I smiled as I stared deeply into my sons eyes. He returned the expression and I felt at peace, if I died at this very moment then I'd be okay with that. Everyone got a chance to hold our new son and embrace. Tom weeped uncontrollably when he got a chance and Sarah supported him. A women in a buisness suit walked into our room and began questioning the doctor. She turned her attention towards us and approached Jasmine's hospital bed.

"Mr. And Mrs. Freeman my name is Shauna Caddel and I'm here to catalog your child's information." She asked everything from our ethnicities to our nationalities and even Jasmine's maiden name. After a few short minutes she asked the question that I seemed to be anxious about."Have you decided what to name your child."

"Yes, his name will be Malcolm Hakeem Freeman." Jasmine responded.

"Awe that's a lovely name."

"No!" I said abruptly.

"What was that Mr.Freeman?"

"I said no, we're not naming him Malcolm."

"But you picked his name Huey." Jasmine said rudely.

"I know but I changed my mind."

"Well what did you have in mind?" Jasmine asked curious.

"His names Robert Jebadiah Freeman!"

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