A slim chance

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A/N: Again I cannot stress enough that this probably isn't medically accurate so if you are somewhat experienced in the medical field don't be a dick and point out all the flaws it's just a fanfic

                           Huey's pov.
  I laid back against the doctors bed while Jasmine sat cross legged on the chair next to me. She had taken what happened with Ludwig better than I expected. I knew some people were fucked up but to lure a women to an abandoned house to rape her in front of her husband is just sinister. If there was a hell then that man needs to burn in the worst layer of it. I tried to keep my mind off of what happened but I couldn't help it. Seeing Jasmine so defenseless and being victimized was the hardest thing I've ever endured.

I knew that what I was going through was nothing compared to what she had been through but I still had a nagging guilt for not protecting her. I've always been there to shield her, I was always there to take on any thing that threatened her. Every time I looked at her now I wondered if she'd be better off with someone else. Someone who can protect her, someone who's not confined to a wheelchair and needs to be constantly cared for.

The door to the office opened and the doctor walked in. He had looked like he hadn't slept in days with his hair standing up and sweat rings in his armpits. He looked at me and Jasmine sympathetically.

"I heard what had happened and I am terribly sorry. Most of the German folk are quite nice I can assure you."

"Thank you for your condolences but after we leave here I think we've seen enough of Germany for awhile." I stated sternly.

"Fair enough Mr.Freeman, well to make a long story short we have made break through with your DNA samples and even better news is that it looks like your son is gonna be fine." He said like he was regretting the next statement."There is good news and there is bad news.

"What's the good news?" Jasmine asked curious.

"We have started developing prototype medicine to fight Muscular dystrophy. The bad news is that by time it's fully tested and authorized by the world health organization you will be long dead. I am truly sorry."

"Why didn't you tell us this before? You dragged us half way across the world implying the false hope that you could cure me and you dump this on us." I said angry.

"I need you to understand Mr.Freeman, that I brought you here to be our test subject. From what I saw from your DNA you don't have very long before the disease reaches the muscle tissue in your heart hand you die from cardiac arrest."

"So I'm gonna be your ginny pig?"


"Terrific." I said enthusiastic.

"Really?" Jasmine asked confused.

"No that was sarcasm."

"Oh." She said probably feeling dumb.

"So what kind of medicine is this?"

"Well we engineered it specifically to your DNA code. It has enzymes that could potentially neutralize the proteins that fuel the desires which will eventually kill it."

"Why do I feel like your leaving a very important detail out?"

"Because one of the neutralizing agents is the venom from the bullet ant. Large doses matter a fact so it will feel like your being stung by hundreds of them continuously through out your body. If you ever think you've felt pain before let me assure you that it will be no where near as painful as this."

"Why, what's the bullet ant?" Jasmine asked confused.

"It has the most painful sting in the animal kingdom. Being stung by one of them could cause paralysis in a fully grown man. The venom in the sting could shock Huey's muscles into spasms which will temporarily stall the diseases progress. Plus it has enzymes that will eat away the diseases strain which is why it's killing him as fast as it is."

"Ok so hard we going to do this?" I asked sternly.

"We have a operating room where we'll give you the necessary treatment."

"Are you going to give me anesthetics?"

"There would be no point, you could be in a coma and the pain would shock you out of it."

"Ok so is there anything else I need to know?"

"Yes, you must understand mr.freeman we rushed to make this remedy so there is a very small chance it would work. If I had to put a number on it I would say about a 10% chance it's successful with out side affects."

"Side affects?" I asked angry.

"Yes, one side affect is that the pain of the venom would put you in shock and eventually kill you. Number two is that the enzymes themselves are acidic so it could quite possibly make the disease worse than kill it. Lastly is that it doesn't work at all and you endured the pain for no reason. Are you willing to take that chance, or do you just want to return home and spend your remaining month or so alive with your wife and your son?"

"I I don't know honestly." I said shocked.

"Doctor could you give us a moment?" Jasmine demanded.

"Certainly." He said opening the door and leaving. Me and Jasmine locked eyes and I could see tears forming. I couldn't do this too her I've already put her through so much and killing myself would seem like the final fuck you.

"Jasmine I don't know what to do."

"Take it!" She demanded.

"What are you serious?"

"Huey if you don't your going to die anyways and best this way you die on your own terms. I don't want to watch you suffer for another month I don't think I can take it."

"This isn't about you, I don't think I'm ready to die yet."

"Nobody's ready to die Huey but the difference between them and you is that you have a chance to to choose whether you live or die." She said breaking her voice into sobs.

"Yes but how do you know I'll even live? You heard him he said that there's only a 10%chance I'll survive."

"Its better than doing nothing and dying anyways." She said crying."Huey I didn't want to tell you this till after you got cured but it doesn't matter if you choose to kill yourself."

"What are you talking about?"

"Huey I'm pregnant. I found out before we came. If you choose not to do this then that's another one of our children that's going to grow up without a father." She looked at me with her eyes full of tears hoping for a positive answer. A cold shiver went down my back and fear clouded my mind. I knew this would be the most important decision I'd ever make in my life. I thought of R.J being another African American child forced to support his household due to the absence of a father figure. I knew jasmine wouldn't remarry if I perished no matter how much I told her too.

"Ok I'll do it."

"What? Really?"

"Yes, I'll take the medicine."

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