Chris Pov
So I'm just doing me, spoiling myself. Going sneaker shopping and going out for lunch myself. Just having a great day.
Until I ran into Justin and Selena Hoemez.
"Damn you cheated on your wife with this non having ass hoe,those are my chanclas face ass, friends with Taylor snake face ass, kill em with my breath not kindness face ass, only little girls like my music face ass,Barney made me famous face ass, Disney channel gave me a singing career face ass,I only fuck with niggas named Justin face ass, ass no ass no ass no ass hoe??? Dawg you fucked up. And bitch what's wrong with you, you thought it was cute to fuck around with a married man and get pregnant. That was one of your biggest hoechievements huh?" I said straight snapping.
Lil hoe was looking scared as fuck."Aye man gon somewhere with that shit."Justin said.
"damn man you dumb, you left your wife for this bitch." I said before walking off.
But then I went back and turned that boy around and punched him dead in his face. Nigga fell down too. "Pussy ass bitch." I said before kicking him on his side.
Shit so fucked up, all Bria'Marie's life she only been with two guys, and they did her dead wrong. She been loving them unconditionally and still they did her wrong. While she was home taking care of Her and Justin kids, he was out fucking that hoe. And she not even worth it at all. He fucked up. I just pray she truly find someone who really loves her and will never let her down. Cause I know she's had enough.
I called Rihanna to let her know Wassup.Phone call
Rih-Hey babes
Me-what up, guess who I ran into
Me- Justin and his new girl Selena Hoemez. I went off on her and him. And punched dawg dead in his face. He fell to the ground and I kicked him dead in his side.
Rih-Well damn, but he deserved it, hopefully you don't end up on the media
Me-ion care bout that shit, that don't even add up to the pain Bri went through.
Rih-No lie, I feel bad for her, but she strong as fuck. Being able to go through all the shit she went through and still continue on with life with a big smile on her face.
Me-if it wasn't for her kids. Those kids make her happy, that I know.
Rih-Yea, hopefully she get back with August or somebody good
Me-Why tf would she get back with him?
Rih-That boy loves her to death and they still have feelings for each other.
Me-So we just gon act like dawg wasn't cheating on her while she was almost dying or even him telling her she wasn't gonna make it.
Rih-People need second chances,he said that he was tryna get over her,so it won't hurt so bad if she died, he believed she was gonna die cause he not use to people surrounding him to survive.
Me- I'm cool with dawg but he a bitch for that. I let him know every time he talk about her
Rih-What he be saying?
Me-I miss her, I know she misses me. I want that old thing back. I fucked up and now she don't really wanna fuck with me. And honestly I think I be hearing him have conversations with her in his head.
Rih-*laughs* see he loves her
Rih-but I gotta go, bout to do my photoshoot
Me-Aight love you
Rih-love you too, bye
End of phone call
Once I got home, I was welcomed to the sound of crying.
I went to where I heard the crying from and found out it was Bria'Marie in her room just crying.
I went to her and just held her as she cried in my arms. No explanation needed. I know she's been through a lot.
So as she was sleep on my chest I texted Rih.
Text Convo
Me-hey baby,u almost here.
Baby girl ❤️😍- yea, wassup
Me-I came home to Bria'Marie crying in her room.
Baby girl ❤️😍-Aw poor baby😔, I'll be there soon.
Me-she cried herself to sleep, my shirt is soaked in tears.
Baby girl❤️😍-All that sadness soaked in your shirt, but I'm outside.
End of Text convo
"Aww my baby" Rih said pouting her lips. She got on the other side of Bria and rest her head on Bria'Marie's shoulder and ended up falling asleep also.
Bria'Marie Pov
It's nothing like being surrounded around people who love and care about you. I woke up to Rih up under me sleep and Chris knocked out as I rested my head on his chest. And Chris's dog was balled up in between me and him.
This truly made my day. I never felt so loved in a while. Not sexually loved, but really loved. I didn't even mind staying there til they woke up.

In This Together
Fanfiction*Read You're not Alone and Who do you love first* Life goes on for the crew. Will they remain like a family or go their separate ways.