Blair Pov
"Aww the view is amazing." I said as I looked from the balcony. Odell Hugged me from behind. Kissing on my neck"Yea it is, a great place to fuck you too." "Baby not now, everyone will be coming in a few."I said giggling.
"I swear that was a man." Chris said coming into the house. "No it was a woman."Rih said following behind. "Oh wow this place is beautiful. " Rih said. "Come look at the view." I said from the balcony.
"Oh wow, the view is amazing. I could stay here forever."Rih said standing next to me. "Yea the ocean view is nice."Chris said.
Seconds later Bria came with Jermaine. I swear they are so cute. "Hey guys!"Bria said excited. "Hello Everyone."Jermaine said. "Hey." We all replied from the balcony.
They came to where we were. Loving the view also.
After spending time talking, Bria and Jermaine went up to their room, to take a nap. Chris and Rih were in the pool, smoking. Odell and I were cuddled up watching Romeo must die.
August finally came with a girl. "We was right."I whispered to Odell as he chuckled. "Where is everyone?" August asked. "Chris and Rih in the pool. Bria and Jermaine are upstairs sleep." I said."oh alright." He said sitting on the couch leaving his girl standing there."I'm Miracle, by the way."The girl said coming to sit by August."Oh that's nice."I said as We continued watching the movie.
Once the movie was over, Bria and Jermaine came downstairs. August's eyes followed them as they walked onto the balcony.
Miracle noticed and said ."They must be more interesting than the show." "Yo chill. Don't start any drama, we not here for that."August replied." We here for them, Aint we?"she asked.
She's soo... I don't know. Jocelyn was better than this girl.
August Pov
What would make Bria more jealous than me bringing another girl. Part of her is upset that I'm with another girl, I just know Bria. Like let's not forget I fucked the shit out of her a month ago. I know she misses it, I know I miss it.
Her and dude walk on the balcony and she's leaning on the rail looking at the view as he holds her from behind. Man this nigga need to get out the picture. I just want Bria back. She acting like she don't want me, but we all know.....She does.
They came back in,"Let's go explore Belize!" Bria said. We all agreed and left..
Everyone broke off onto their own ways and we planned on meeting up later on.
"I know what you're doing."Miracle said. "What am I doing?"I asked. "You're using me to make that girl jealous, but it's not working cause she seems to really like J Cole. She hasn't looked at you once."
I chuckled and said "That's what you think?"
"Yes, I do. I seen how you look at her. You watch her every move. You look at her man with disgust. It's written all over your face."
"Sure, believe what you want."I said laughing.
After looking around the beautiful city, we met at a restaurant and ate.
Later on that night, when everyone was in bed. Miracle and I were watching tv in our room. What pissed me off was, you could hear Bria and Jermaine fucking in the other room. I knew it was them, because I know how Bria moans.
I swear she doing this shit on purpose to make me mad. It hurts me truly.
Miracle got on top of me and started kissing my neck. I wasn't in the mood at all. "No Miracle, not tonight."
She looked at me and got off."wooww, this girl really got you upset." Miracle said.This morning, like the usual I did my wake and bake. Bria also does it too. So while everyone was sleep we was doing what we do.
'I can hold your lighter?" She said sealing her blunt. "Yea," I replied, handing it to her.
She lit her blunt and just sat there quietly. "So it's like that?" I asked."what you mean August?" She said. "You just forget about us like that , and you had the nerve to fuck that nigga when you know I'm in the other room? Didn't care how I feel huh ?"
She chuckled," There isn't an us August, that's down the drain. I'm grown I could fuck whoever I want in the house without your permission ."
Raising my voice a little "Bria you did that shit to make me mad, you still hurt bout old shit that I did, that's why you doing all this shit. To get back at me. Like for real Bria'Marie, I told you I fucking love you and I want us back together but you still run off with another nigga. That nigga will never love you the way I do."
"I never intended to make you mad, the old shit in the past , I moved on, you didn't you're the one who brought a girl you don't even care for, just to make me jealous ."
"I don't know if you're getting what I'm saying
baby, right now I'm really putting my pride to the side, and coming to you as a man to let you know that I love you and I want you and my family back. I'm begging you please come back to me." I said.She stared at me for while, "So you just want me to up and leave Jermaine? "
I looked at her and said "that's exactly what the fuck I want you to do."
"Not gon happen."she replied."Alright cool, and the crazy part is, I'm still gonna wait for you, cause with you is where I belong." I said getting up. I stood over her and lifted her chin. I gave her a kiss and went back into the house leaving her there.
Going into the house I ran into Blair."You heard everything?" I said. "She nodded her head. "And you still believe she still loves me."I said"She does." Blair said."Well she better start acting like it." I said walking off.
Do you think Bria'Marie still loves August?
Should August just give up on getting back with Bria'Marie?
Should Bria'Marie break up with Jermaine and go back with August?
For the people who rather read about Blair instead of Bria'Marie, I'm sorry for that it's just I have more I can talk about for Bria'Marie , I have everything planned out in my head for her story, I'm still trying to find a story for Blair since she basically went through everything in my first and second book. Bria'Marie just might be the main character in this book. And if I do continue and make another book Rihanna would probably be the main character in that book.~Love Bria😍😘
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In This Together
Fanfiction*Read You're not Alone and Who do you love first* Life goes on for the crew. Will they remain like a family or go their separate ways.