When Sephy met Callum

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Best week of my life 17/10/10-21/10/10

Last year of school and i have to do something called "workexperience" for a week.basically you get put into a  work placement and experience the life of work. I never knew that my teachers could be so cruel, they have decided to put me in a grocery store during that week .I was the clown of the school that day everyone made silly jokes which were not funny at all and said everything to put me down it wasnt unsual to me  because i have been the school clown since the start of school always picked on and made fun of.I knew that  it would be a week of hell and totally boring I was wrong it was so far beyond of my expectations.

First day of workexperiece.

It was a normal sunny day  in Tokyo, I woke up to the voices of my family arguing. I proceeded with my morning routine brushed my teeth , breakfast,shower ect.... then while I was walking back upstairs to get into my school uniform  I realised it was my first day of work experience, alot of thoughts were going through my head that i missed a step and then  fell back down  the stairs hitting my head against the radiator near. I looked up to the mirror in the hallway and noticed that my hair was a huge mess my curls were gone. I run back up stairs took a shower to get my curls back, iam half ethiopian and half eritrean and a somalie so i have natural curls. finally  after 30 mins of planing  i decided on what to wear.

In school i always wore a wooley hat to cover my hair because alot of girls in my year had the time to do cool and approved hair styles that i did not have the time for and there were  times that I  let my hair out and many did not think it looked attractive and always said "do something with you're hair" so  I got fed up with hearing their negative views  and decided  that I will not reveal my hair for the rest of my school years.But today since Iam not going to be in school ive decided not wear a hat. I wore my favourite leather black jacket and a brown vest underneath my hoop earings and since i was working at  a grocery store i was told to  wear  black trousers so I wore my school ones and for shoes i wore my black vans.

"Do you know what time it is?" my dad yelled from the other room "no papi but you're yelling so i guess iam late huh". I rushed back downstairs ready to leave and my baby brother was standing in the doorway so i hugged him tightly for a minuite smiling and ready to face the day.

"Hurry go" my mom (mimi) called from the kitchen."allright allright iam gone" I said running out of the door I stopped to check the time I was extermely late and luckily as I got to the bus point my bus was just coming around the corner I sighed happily.

The grocery store was all the way in the shopping centre no where near where I lived so the bus journey was quite long, so i blocked the whole  world out and attached my headphones to my ears paying no attention to my surrondings.After more than 45 minutes on the bus I finally got to my destination.I knew where the store was right in the middle of the shopping centre i took the elavotor up and shockingly there were alot of people rushing to get their shopping. why would people be shopping this early? i mean who would even consider to wake up this time to go shopping? maybe it was just me you see  I am not you're normal teenage girl, iam what they call a "wierdo". 

I ran my fingers through my hair , the nerves were kicking in. As I entered the store I saw a man trip but i couldnt stop laughing I tried to hold it back but failed. While I was watching the man try to get back up someone tapped me from the back and said in a low voice " you must be the work placement sudent" "yes" i replied smiling  as i eyed the badge pinned to his jumper."So what's all this about ?" i asked him he folded his arms across his chest and said "follow me upstairs oh and I am Chris" . We reached the top floor and he explained to me what I will be doing for the rest of the week which was to work alongside with him in filling shelves and helping customers.  And for the rest of that afternoon he showed me around the store which was the most exciting part of my day.

You know it wasnt that bad, very basic indeed filling out  shelves and helping customers out with thier shopping what could go wrong? anything is possible afterall Iam Sephy Jahiem and everything I touch either breaks or gets damaged and I trip over anything  flat surfaces , bleechers even thin air.

What can go wrong? I mean alot of things went wrong like one time  slipped and fell on a pundle of water down the frozen section at a grocery store .They filled out a accident report and took pictures and sent it to the school.  Then on the following day changed my entire life ....Big white smile, slightly droopy eye dark blonde hair slicked down faded green apron double-tied name tag-Hi, I'm Callum Pushing carts, twelve at a time too busy to notice the new girl Long curly  hair, sixteen years old

"I need a price on this item "Unstained, fresh green apron name tag-Hi, I'm Sephy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2012 ⏰

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