It's Time Now For a New Change

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I own nothing except for the plot.

JFK international airport Harry pov
When we arrived, I saw a lot of tall buildings all over the place, and also saw the Empire State Building with clouds at the very top of it. Once I left, I told Tom and Neville who the other was, and told them that I would meet them later back at the manor that is in the middle of the woods. They then got unto a taxi, and went on their way, while I walked around, I ended up in a small cave that has some water and bones. All of a sudden, out of no where at all, I saw a Minotaur, lion(the neamian lion but not sure how to spell it) and the lermnean hydra(not sure how to spell that part of it so tell me and I will fix those two mistakes). As they started to advance on me, I started to feel more scared than I ever have before in my entire life, and all of a sudden, I felt something click inside of me that I didn't even know has been missing. All I could feel was a storm building so fierce, that it made my vision became completely red, and the next thing I knew, a storm had started to form, and soon it was a full blown thunder storm. I gestured towards the lion, and all of a sudden a lightning bolt hit it in the mouth, causing it to explode into millions of tiny golden dust particles. Then I felt a wave of fear and anger and all of a sudden, there was a typhoon of water going straight towards the hydra and drowning it. I then went and felt an onslaught of sadness come over myself, and all of a sudden, when I moved my haired towards the Minotaur, a wall of fire engulfed it causing it to become a pile of golden dust. I then started to run outside the cave, and ran all the way to the Empire State Building, where I went inside it and to the concierge, who handed me a key for an elevator. I then walked to the only elevator that I could see that had golden doors. Once I had stepped inside it, I put the card key into the elevator, and I pushed the up button and had to grab the elevator's guard rails to not get hurt cause the elevator was traveling way faster than it should be possible. After what felt like five minutes, it had stopped and when the doors opened, I was shocked to see a staircase lit by torches that led all the way to a magnificent island that had hundreds, if not thousands of palaces and temples on it. I was like well I do not seem to really have that much of a choice, other than to follow the path. At the top of the stairs I found the biggest building to be made out of marble. Once I entered the building, and passed through the entrance hall and entered the throne room, where I found fourteen people on thrones. I noticed that one had fiery eyes with red hair and was wearing a red cloak. While the three men who I saw standing in front of me were stunning and attractive. The one with blonde hair stormy blue eyes muscular and wore a toga. The one to his right had dark brown almost black hair with eye that are brown and was pale. The one to blonde's left had black hair emerald eyes, and a nice even tan. I noticed that everyone's attention was on me.

"Hello, my name is Harry Potter and I don't know how I ended up here or why I am even still here." I said, and just as I was turning around to leave, I found that I was encased in quick sand.

"Hi I am Zeus and I am the one who gave birth to you while the man with the dark brown hair Hades and the man on my left got me pregnant. It was not our choice to give you up Dumbledore stole you and is currently being tortured for it. We tried to look for you for ages, and never could find ya because of the wards." He said and then threw a coin into the air that was a mix between a lightning bolt and a trident and also had a helm on it. I then grabbed it and pushed a button to make it transform back into a coin and ran like a bat out of hell. I went and bumped into a woman with auburn hair, silver eyes, and a silver bow and arrows.

"Look you may not be accepting of the truth, but when you do accept it, know that everyone is here for you. Also I am Artemis." And she left in a flash of golden light, and I went back to the manor wrote a note explaining everything and crawled under the covers and fell asleep, and later felt Tom and Neville's arms encircle around my waist and we slept.

A.N. I will not be able to update for about twelve hours starting from tomorrow at 10 a.m-10 p.m. give or take an hour. Next chapter will have a lot more denial and comfort, and yes I forgot to add Athena to my version of the Olympians.

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