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Couples Counseling (Official Title)

We're not naming her Bertha! (Amelia's weird title)

"Commander Cody, Captain Rex, you may now come in for your appointment."

The two men stood up and entered the long, dim hallway stretching into the shadows. They walked into a surprisingly, well lit room. Dr. Taun We stood and asked, "Are you here for your counseling appointment?"

"Yes," the men answered.

"So, what would you like to bring up in your session, today?"

"Um, we would like to start a family." Cody said.

Rex blushed.

"Uh, that may be a little hard as you are..."

"Oh not like that," Rex said, blushing harder.

"We are adopting the female clone."

"Ok." Dr.We blinked.

"We would like to name her and watch her grow up."

"Well she would have to be in the army and fight for the Republic."

"Ok." Cody said.

"NOOOO!!!" Rex screamed. A thud sounded from outside the door.

"Well, I'll let you two talk this out in private."

"Sure." Rex smiled at her then looked at Cody, glaring.

Taun We left the room and went the viewing room, staring as the men argued.


"We are NOT naming her Bertha!!" Rex yelled

"Why not?" Cody asked

"Cause I don't like it."

"Well her number is SK-202225."

Cody thought for a second.

"Wait," Cody started,"What about Satine after that girl Obi-wan couldn't shut up about for 2 weeks!"

"I actually like it."

"And Twosie for short, because of all the 2's in her number."

"Yes, and we will have a daughter named Satine Twosie."


The two hugged.

They left the room, then walked to the Temple.

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