{Part 7} The experiment of justice

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*Chara's POV*

It's been 3 days since I planned my victory.. My relief...My freedom.. I was at my room for all these days because I was making sure that everything will work and I was weak.. My family is worried.. Asriel asks mommy if I'm ok and she doesn't know what to say. My dad Asgore brings me fresh-cut flowers everyday and wanders around the core to take his mind off things.. I think it's time for me to get up and relieve everyone from being worried.. Besides it's dad's birthday tomorrow.. We have to make the pie..

I then got up and got dressed. I walked out of the room and went to the living room. There was mommy and Asriel sitting by the fireplace.

-Oh howday Chara!! Asriel said loudly, ''Are you feeling well? I've been so worried'' he said and hugged me while tears were running down his face.

-I'm feeling amazing brother and super energized!! I said while faking a smile..

-Hello my child!! You really worried us!! I am so glad that you are completely fine!!, mommy said with a relieved expression on her face.. Nowie, why don't you and your brother go make the butterscotch pie for dad's birthday? I have an easy recipe for you my childs!, she said while giving us a heart-shaped piece of paper with a butterscotch pie recipe written.

-Ok mom! me and Asriel said while running to the kitchen

-Well Chara what does the recipe require?

-Hmm let's see. We need flour, milk, eggs, butter, sugar, cream, cinnamon and buttercups!

-B..buttercups? Are you sure Chara? Buttercups are flowers! Poisonous flowers!

-But Asriel this is what it says! Besides, mommy gave it to us! It can't be wrong

-Well, if you say so. Here all the ingredients but let me go collect some buttercups first ok?

-No need brother! Daddy brought fresh buttercups to me today! We can use those!.. Here they are!

-Well it's time for us to make the pie..

Me and Asriel started making the pie crust and then the filling.. The interesting filling! After we finished we put it in the oven and went to the living room to meet mommy.

-We made it mommy! me and Asriel said 

-Oh my sweethearts! Ha ha ha! Look at you! Your clothes are covered in flour! mommy giggled 

-Oops mom. It wasn't our fault! Asriel said.. ''We put all our efforts to it so it would be the best butterscotch pie ever!''

-Well my little chefs, it's pretty late nowie! Go to bed already! You've been cooking for 3 hours! 

-Ok mommy we will go to bed now! I said with a very convincing expression.

-Well, goodnight dearies!


It's finally morning! I haven't slept at all! Not because I only have the stupid depressing illusions but because I was ready for the experiment to be tested! I slowly walked to Asriel's bed and gently whispered in his ear:

''Pssst Asriel! Wake up! It's dad's birthday today! It's time for you to get up and get ready!''

-Uh Chara, I overslept didn't I? Well I will be ready in a few minutes!

-Great brother!

When Asriel was finally ready, we got out of our room and went to find mom. She had planned everything! The side dishes, the decoration, and her gift to dad. A brand-new gardening set that a well known scientist Dr. Alphys had designed. 

~Chara x Asriel~ ' 'Silent lullaby' ' {Undertale}Where stories live. Discover now